Chapter 31: Frodo's reason

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A/N: Hello everyone. with all due respect for my favorite writer, Mr. J.R.R.Talkin, the frodo in my story is young, just like the movie. he is not more than 40. Wish you like the chapter.


Over four years had passed since the fall of Sauron. Frodo was in his home, in Bag End. He had sat in his room working on his book, the book which first Bilbo had started it. Finally, it was done. In fact, his life in Middle Earth had been ended. He had gotten a message from Gandalf last week that it was time, time to leave Middle Earth and go to the west with the Elves as the Ring bearer, so maybe there his wounds and the effect made by the Ring would be healed.

He closed the book and leaned on the seat back and sighed. Suddenly he felt a searing pain in his shoulder, were the witch king of Angmar had been stabbed him four years ago. The pain was blinding. Then an image formed in his mind. A hobbit, a woman with curly brown hair which was pulled back with two pink ribbons shaped like a bow in two sides. Sarah Brandybuck. A beautiful and intelligent hobbit. She was one of Merry's cousins and Frodo had seen her two years ago at Merry's wedding. Her blue eyes had mesmerized Frodo whenever he looked upon them. Her adventurous, vivid, and kind spirit had intrigued Frodo.

They had walked with each other that night and in Frodo's surprise, he had told her his journey to the mount doom. At the end, Sarah had peered into his eyes for a moment. she then had leaned forward and had kissed Frodo's cheek. "I believe you, Frodo Baggins." she had told him. "I myself had felt this shadow vanished from my heart a year ago. I'm sorry for the pain and sorrow you and your friends had gone through and I'm grateful for all that you have done." .Her words and acts had meant a lot for Frodo. He never forgot her sincere words and gratefulness in her eyes.

Frodo opened his eyes. He was smiling and there was no sign of pain. It was odd for him, but whenever he felt that horrible pain, Sarah's image was like a soother for him and helped him to forget all about it. But it doesn't matter. He would leave Middle Erath in a few weeks forever. He doesn't know why, but the thought of never seeing Sarah again made him sad.

Frodo sighed. It was late at night. He stood and went to bed. As a habit, he took Niphredil's pendant in his hand and began to play with it. It made him calm. He laid down and stared at the ceiling, thinking about Sarah. Before he knew, he was fast asleep with the thought of Sarah and Niphredil's pendant in his hand.

Frodo opened his eyes. He had stood next to a river. He knew that place. The trees had golden blossoms between their silver and green leaves and the ground was covered with their golden leaves. Nimrodel river was singing. It was Niphredil's favorite place in Lorien. She had shown them there when they were in Lorien.

"I'm glad to see you again, Mellon nín." Frodo whipped around sharply. There, in the golden background of the Lothlorien had stood its jewel, Niphredil Elentary. She was her, but a lot different. She was glowing brightly and her beauty was almost unbearable. Her silver hair was moving slowly with the unseen breeze. Frodo could easily feel her strong aura. Her flawless face was radiating the light of stars. She smiled and walked closer.

"My lady!" said Frodo nervously and bowed. Niphredil stood in front of him and softly kissed his head. For Frodo, it was like all of his worries and sadness washed away at once. He raised his head and peered into Niphredil's kind eyes. Her beautiful smile could fill the heart of all people with happiness.

Niphredil furrowed a bit. "What has made my dear Frodo so sad?" she asked. Frodo didn't answer. Instead, he dropped his head.

"come! Let's sit here." Said Niphredil and Frodo looked at where she was pointing to. There, was a bench that had appeared out of nowhere. Niphredil went and sat and beckoned for Frodo to do so. He felt embarrassed and small in her glorious presence.

Frodo sat as well and together, they watched the passing waters of Nimrodel. "It's must be hard for you." said Niphredil without taking her eyes away from the river but made Frodo look at her. "Leave everything you love behind and go to a place which you know nothing about." She continued.

Frodo gazed at his hands in his lap. "well, it is. It's hard to never see our beautiful Shire. To never see little Elanor playing in the yard. To never see Sam, Merry, Pippin, Rosie, .... Sarah." Said Frodo and whispered the last name. He looked at Niphredil who was watching him with her beautiful eyes. "But it's the only way. The only way to heal the wounds that the Journey of the Ring has cost." He said desperately

Niphredil smiled warmly. "Are you sure?" she asked and Frodo looked at her questioningly. "Are you sure that leaving Middle Earth is the only way to defeat the shadow and the pain, Frodo Baggins?"

Suddenly Images flowed into Frodo's head. He had sat in the yard playing with little Elanor while his dear Sam was mending the fence. Merry and Pippin drinking and singing happily and then ...

Sarah Brandybuck dancing and laughing. Her beautiful mesmerizing eyes which could melt Frodo's heart everytime. Her warm lips on his face. He had missed her a lot. He wanted badly to kiss her and dance with her on the green grass of the Shire's plains and get lost in her eyes to forget all of his pains.

Suddenly he realized what Niphredil had just told him. he raised his head and looked at her smiling face.

"Never underestimate the power of Love, Frodo, for It's the reason for the creation of this world. It's a great healer." Said Niphredil. "Ships will leave these lands for the next 40 years at least. Who knows? Maybe after that long, you don't need a ship at all."

Then Niphredil bent down and kissed Frodo's forehead. Frodo closed his eyes. "Trust your heart, my dear. It will show you the way." Niphredil's soft voice was the last thing he heard before he opened his eyes in his room and blinked in the light of the sun, peeking into the room through the window.

Frodo laid there for a few moments. Abruptly, a soft wind blew and moved the curtains and brought the faint smell of Niphredil flowers with itself. Frodo smiled and took his pendant in his hand. "Thank you, Niphredil. Thank you a lot." He whispered and jumped out of the bed. He was going to the Buckland. He had to see Sarah, his Sarah.

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