Chapter 44: The disaster

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It was after lunch when Legolas asked all of his family plus Lenwë, Gimli, Tauriel and Finrod's family to gather in his study.

"Tonight I want to speak to you about very important things." Said Legolas seriously and turned to Elanill. "Elanill, my daughter. Although Eldarion had left here, no one can be sure what he can do. You are not safe here and in the other realms as well." he paused for a second and peered into Elanill's eyes. "I want to send you to the undying lands, where you will be safe."

Elanill's eyes grew wide. Everyone in the room who didn't know about that decision was shocked. "My dear, this is for your own safety. Please understand. Besides, even if you don't leave here now, we have to do it soon anyway." Said Niphredil softly.

"You won't come?" asked Elanill with hitched voice. "Your father and I should stay until the last Elf leaves here." Answered Niphredil.

"But ..." Kyros wanted to argue but Legolas stopped him. "This order won't change. Elanill should leave here soon and by soon, I mean tomorrow." Said Legolas and everyone gasped. "My sweetheart, I want you to know it was so hard for me and your mother to take this decision." Said Legolas with soft eyes. seeing his beloved daughter on that condition wasn't easy at all. "But you won't go alone." Said Legolas and turned to Lenwë. "You asked for my consent over your marriage last night. I see no problem. Your love is great and blissful and I'm sure you can be a great couple. Although you have to leave Middle Earth and go with her if you really want her." Said Legolas with a smile.

Elanill's teary eyes and Lenwë's eyes began to shine brightly and both smiled and looked at each other. Lenwë took Elanill's hand and kissed her lips for a brief second. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered. "Thank you, my lord. I promise to take care of her. I'm ready to go to the end of the world with her." said Lenwë happily.

"I'm sure you will." Said Legolas and chuckled. Elanill dropped her head. 

"It's still too hard to leave you although I know we will see each other soon. I will miss you a lot." She said.

"At least you don't miss me." said Thranduil and everyone looked at him. "I will come with you as well."

"Father!" said Legolas surprised.

"This is what I wanted to do for a long time. I'm tired of these lands. Elanill was the only reason that had kept me here. If she leaves here I will go with her as well." said Thranduil and went and stood next to Elanill who kissed his cheek happily.

Kyros and Kyline looked at each other. "So do we." Said Kyline and they both went and stood next to Thranduil. Their parents were surprised. "We're sorry. But our friends are leaving here and we want to see the undying lands. Forgive us for our sudden decision." Said Kyros.

Legolas nodded his head. "So be it. I'm sure many others will come with you if they hear about Elanill's departure. That's why I have ordered to build more ships." Said Legolas.

"Exactly according to the prophecy." Murmured Elanill. Niphredil went ahead and hugged her tight. "This is an act based on love. It's because our people love you a lot and that's because you are amazing. There is nothing evil in it." She said. It was like someone was clenching her heart too tight. She tried hard to hide her tears. She turned to Legolas. "Can we at least see our daughter's wedding before she goes? They can leave at night." Asked Niphredil.

Legolas smiled at her. "How can I resist you, my love?" he said.

"So if we want to have a wedding and a great departure tomorrow, why are we standing here still? There are lots of things we should do." Said Gimli and clapped his hands.

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