Chapter 36: Lenwë and love

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Elanill was in Lothlorien with her uncle, Finrod and his family. It was autumn and the woods had a golden roof. Elanill loved to be in her mother's homeland in autumn. She liked to go to her mother's favorite place near Nimrodel.

Two years had passed from the day she had seen that man in the forest. She had not told anything to her father about him and had almost forgotten about him. It wasn't anything important in her thoughts, just a stranger that had lost his way, but if her father would know, he would only make the rules harder and maybe even restricted her more, so she had decided to don't tell it.

She was standing next to Nimrodel and singing one of the Dwarvish songs that her uncle, Gimli, had taught her. The song had a beautiful meaning and funny but beautiful pronunciation. It said about the beautiful mines and caves and dwarves who work hard there.

She was in the middle of the song when she felt two eyes staring at her back. She turned and saw a shadow standing just behind her. She jumped scared and swayed backward. A strong arm curled around her waist and steadied her.

"I'm sorry, my Lady. I didn't want to scare you at all." said a deep but soft voice and Elanill saw a pair of gray-blue eyes watching her with concern. "I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I was just curious about the owner of that beautiful voice."

Elanill who had been lost in those eyes came back to reality and realized that she is still in the arms of the stranger. Her face heated up and she cleared her throat. The Elf became aware of the situation as well and gently released his hold on her.

"It was not your fault." whispered Elanill shyly and looked at the elf in front of her. He was a tall man, with black hair which was pushed back with a few braids. He was in silver and black clothes. But it was his eyes which had enchanted Elanill. Those kind eyes reminded her of something important that she had forgotten, maybe an unseen homeland.

"I'm sorry again. I wish you forgive me. But I thought you noticed me." Said the man.

"It was my fault. I was too drowned in my own thoughts that didn't understand you coming," she said and then silence fell on the two. They both were glancing at each other.

Actually, the man was attracted to her side by her beautiful voice. His heartbeat had been quickened at her sight. She was the most beautiful Elleth that he had ever seen in his life. Her golden hair which was moving with the wind was in contrast with her white dress which was designed with golden leaves and golden wrists. A silver circlet shaped like long leaves was on her head. Her aura of serenity was fantastic. When she was in his arms she smelled like a plain, full of flowers. Something was so right about her being in his arms.

Elanill was examining the man too. He had a strong body which had gained by working hard for years. His eyes were like two wells full of wisdom and there was a light on them, like a glittering of the sunlight on the Niphredil pond. When she was in his arms she had sensed his odd scent. It was unfamiliar for her but she loved it. Although she tried hard to ignore it, when he released her it was like something missed suddenly.

"You were singing in Dwarvish." said the elf after a moment of silence.

"Uh, yes. I have learned it from my uncle who is a dwarf," answered Elanill. The man furrowed and Elanill laughed at his questioning face. "Of course he is not my real uncle, but he is my father's dear friend."

"It's odd. It seems that in these days Elves have more relationship with the Dwarves. I thought only King Legolas has a Dwarf-friend." he said quietly and stared at Elanill who had a beautiful and knowing smile on her red lips. Realization fell on the man's face and he took a step backward.

"Please forgive me, my Lady. I didn't understand that you are the King Legolas' daughter." he said hurriedly and bowed. Elanill laughed. Her laughter was like the most beautiful voice the man had ever heard. His heart melted.

"There is no need for an apology. You didn't know who am I and besides, you didn't do anything wrong," said Elanill softly. "But who are you, my Lord? I have not seen you in Lorien or Imladris."

The man smiled. "Sure my Lady has not seen me in these realms, for I live somewhere so far from here," he said. "My name is Lenwë son of Círdan, the Lord of the gray havens. I had gone to your homeland as an errand of my father and I decided to stay in Lorien for a few days before my departure to the havens. And what a great decision, for I found the chance to see the jewel of the Greenwood with my wary eyes."

Elanill smiled. He was charming. "I have never seen the ocean, but I have heard from my father that it is so mesmerizing," she said.

Something shone in Lenwë's eyes. "Mesmerizing is not enough to describe the beauty of the ocean." he said dreamily.

Elanill was enchanted by his voice and the light in his eyes. She could almost see the vast area, covered in water, falling and rising. "Tell me more about it." she almost whispered.

Lenwë smiled. He had some odd feelings in his chest for having Elanill's full attention, a feeling of pride and happiness. "As you wish, my Lady."

So for the next few days, that was what they do. They were walking in the golden trees hand in hand and Lenwë would tell stories about the ocean. And before they even realized, they fell for each other. Finrod was seeing them and he was happy, for Lenwë was a good man and their love was great and pure. In his heart, he hoped just as Legolas saved Niphredil from her dark fate, maybe Lenwë could do the same for Elanill and keep her safe.

The days of happiness ended so soon and Lenwë must leave and go to his homeland. He and Elanill had stood where they had seen each other for the first time. Her delicate hands were in his ones and he had rested his forehead to hers.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, Lenwë." whispered Elanill. In her heart, she was mourning for this departure. She didn't want him to go.

Lenwë released her hands and engulfed her in his arms. He didn't want to let her go, to leave her, but he had to. He buried his nose in her golden hair and took deep breaths to remember her fantastic scent.

Elanill did the same. Now, she knew that he smelled like the ocean and she loved it. It was soothing.

"I will come back for you, Elanill. I promise." said Lenwë. Elanill peered at his eyes and smiled. She could see the truth in them. She caressed his cheek lovingly. "I know. I will wait for you." she whispered.

Lenwë gazed at her eyes which reminded him of the ocean. He couldn't wait anymore. He pulled her closer and slowly closed the gap between them. Elanill closed her eyes in anticipation. Their lips touched and it was like an unseen golden wave of energy released from them and passed from every land and mountain and anyone who touched by it felt refreshed and their loved ones came to their minds. A wind blew and their hair, golden and black, mingled with each other. Their lips were moving in sync.

Lenwë kissed Elanill gently and passionately. He loved her so much. Elanill kissed him back with the same love. She curled her hands around his neck and pulled him closer and deepened the kiss.

They kissed each other for a long time before they finally pulled away and stars bloomed in the sky above their heads happily, for their love was so great. They stayed with each other for the remaining hours.

Lenwë left the next morning before dawn and Elanill should stay back with a heavy heart, waiting for his return.


A/N: The story of Elanill is shaping slowly:) Please let me know if you like it.

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