Chapter 40: The truth

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The sun had been set when Elanill, Lenwë, Kyros, and Kyline reached the main gates of the halls. Tauriel who was there to give some orders to the guards was shocked to see Elanill. "Oh, Elbereth! Elanill Malorn!" she said and walked to Lenwë's horse. Elanill dismounted. "What are you doing here?"

"Tauriel!" said Elanill worriedly. "How is my mother?"

Tauriel ignored her. "You were supposed to keep her in Lorien." Said Tauriel toward the boys.

"It was late. They had seen her and she didn't come back." Said Kyros.

Any color drained from Tauriel's face. "They saw her?"

"What do you mean? Why they should not see me?" asked Elanill pleadingly, but no one answered her. Instead, Tauriel grabbed her hand firmly and dragged her after her. "Come, your father should know." She said.

They walked fast inside and soon they reached the throne room. Legolas, Thranduil, Finrod, and Gimli were there, talking.

"My Lord!" said Tauriel aloud and they all turned to them and immediately their eyes widened with shock. "Elanill!" said Thranduil quietly.

"They have seen her." said Tauriel.

"Oh, no." said Gimli in disbelief. Elanill's eyes were on her father who became pale and fell on the throne and covered his face with his hands.

Elanill ran up the stairs and knelt in front of the throne, worried for her father. She took his hand in her two ones. "Ada!" She whispered.

Legolas raised his head and peered into his daughter's beautiful eyes. He loved her more than anything besides Niphredil. He raised his hand and gently caressed her cheek. "Although you must not be here, I'm so happy to see you, sweetheart." he said with a weak smile.

"Please, tell me what's wrong? What is so wrong about them see me? What are you hiding from me?" said Elanill and tears ran on her face.

"Go and see your mother. You have come here for this don't you, my dear? Go. I will come in a few minutes. We should talk and I want your mother to be there as well, even if she is unconscious." Said Legolas. Elanill stared at him for a second and then nodded. she stood, kissed his cheek softly and walked away.

"Elanill!" called Lenwë and moved to follow her but Tauriel stopped him and shook her head. "she is suffering. I should be with her." he said but Tauriel didn't release him.

Legolas took a deep breath. This was a moment they were afraid of for 30 years. "It's time for Elanill to know the truth." He said quietly.

"Legolas." Said Thranduil, afraid of what could happen for his dear grandchild and a turmoil she should go through.

"From the first moment, it was meant to happen. Niphredil was right. Elanill must face her fate." Said Legolas and stood. "But she won't be alone, not till I'm still breathing."

"No, she won't be." Said Gimli and put his legs firmly on the ground. "So do you lad. We are all with you."

Legolas looked at the determined faces of his relatives and friends. Form his father to Finrod, Tauriel, Gimli, the twins, and Lenwë. He felt warmth in his heart. He nodded. "Thank you, Gimli. Thank you all." He said and then went after Elanill.


When Elanill went out of the throne hall she almost flew the remaining way to her parent's room. The guards in front of the double doors of the room were surprised to see her, but they bowed and opened the doors. She went inside.

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