Chapter 13: Sacrifice

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"Legolas! You will open this door or I will break it." Niphredil and Legolas woke up with the sound of Gimli knocking at the door and his rumbling in the first hours of the morning. Legolas pulled Niphredil closer to his chest. "just ignore it." he said sleepy. Niphredil was still tired too so she closed her eyes and fell to sleep quickly.

The knocking stopped after some seconds. But after a few moments, an ear-piercing sound of a metal thing falling on the ground made Legolas and Niphredil jump and sat at the bed, startled. They saw Gimli standing at the foot of the bed with a devilish grin on his face.

"Gimli!" cried Legolas in disbelief. Gimli bent and picked up his ax from the ground. "I didn't know that you have gone this far. It seems that soon we will see little pointy ears bouncing here and there. I only wish they look like Niphredil." said Gimli.

Niphredil flushed hard. "nothing had happened between us." Said Niphredil guilty and came out from under the covers. Gimli laughed hard. "don't be worry, lassie. I won't tell anyone." Said Gimli and winked at Niphredil. "I and Aragorn wanted to have breakfast with the hobbits. We decided to have it here in the garden of your rooms. So it's better if you two get dressed before they arrive."

"I will go to change." Said Niphredil shyly and left the room quickly. She went to her room, closed the door and leaned on it and sighed. But she couldn't help it. A smile crept to her lips at the thought of what Gimli had told them. Little kids. If they could pass this dark time and defeat Sauron, maybe they could have little kids.

Someone knocked at the door and a maid came in. She had brought a beautiful dark blue dress which had small jewels on it, like an evening sky full of stars. the maid helped Niphredil to put on the dress and then left.

Niphredil was looking at herself in the mirror when she heard voices from outside in the garden and went out. She saw Merry and Pippin walking with Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli behind them. Finrod was with them too. They were laughing at what Pippin had just said. Niphredil looked at Merry. he looked completely normal but Niphredil could see a little change in his eyes. They were deeper. Suddenly Merry saw her and his face lighten up.

"Niphredil!" he said and ran to her. Niphredil knelt on the ground and hugged him tightly. Merry looked at her. "that monster hit you with his mace when you came to help me. I'm sorry." He said with sad eyes. Niphredil smiled at him warmly and kissed his forehead fondly. "I'm not wounded. I'm fine. You showed a lot of courage, Merry. You did something that most of the men couldn't. Thank you for taking care of Eowyn." said Niphredil.

Merry shivered. "It was only because of fearing for Lady Eowyn's life, not because of courage." Said Merry.

"Courage usually comes with love. We find the will and courage to keep our friends and loved ones safe. But let's not talk about bad things in this beautiful morning." said Niphredil and Merry nodded. they sat at the green grass under the shadow of one of the poplar trees and had a good breakfast. It was after lunch when Niphredil finally became alone. She had stood near a short wall, watching the horizon when she felt a familiar sensation. Her heartbeat increased. "Frodo!" she whispered happily and closed her eyes.

Then she saw them. Sam and Frodo had put on shields and helmets of the Orcs. Their faces were dirty and tired, but both were alive. Niphredil felt a tear of joy ran on her face. They had sat in the refuge of a rock, resting. Frodo had her pendant in his hand, playing with it. That was why Niphredil could see them. Their lips were dry. Niphredil could easily feel their thirst. They had no water with them. It was like someone was clenching Niphredil's heart. She must do something for them.

She gathered all of her power. "my Lord Ulmo. I beg you in the name of Eru Ilúvatar, for you are the master of Water. Bless these two hobbits who are carrying the fate of all the people in Middle Earth. Please flow your waters in front of them and gave them the courage to continue, for you were always kind to those who live in Middle Earth." Begged Niphredil in her mind.

"Even if it cost your life? will you give all of your power to help them? will you give your life?" Niphredil heard a deep yet soothing voice in response.

"I will. May my life and soul be for them, for all those I love." she replied with a smile and a tear fell from her eyes.

"so be it." Said the voice and slowly Niphredil felt the life and energy leaving her veins. She had not gathered her full strength from yesterday, so she slowly began to faint, but at the last seconds, she saw a glimmer of water flowed out from a little hole near Frodo. "Look Sam, water." Niphredil heard Frodo's surprised voice and then it was like she jumped high in the air and saw a glimpse of the Gorgoroth plains and the great army that was walking towards the black gates. Thousand and thousand of Orcs and Trolls. An army prepared for only one reason, to kill the people of Middle earth.

And then she was falling lifeless

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And then she was falling lifeless. Suddenly everything became cold. it was like she suddenly was wrapped in waters so pure and cold as they had just melted from the ice of the peak of the highest mount in the world where no foul thing has ever reach there. it was soothing instead of bothering, like you are in arms of one who is reliable.

"You are ready to sacrifice yourself for those whom you love at any moment. This is a rare gift that only a few have. you are strong, Elentary. The power of stars flows in your veins. Pure and healing. Use this purity to destroy the evil. Open your heart for your full powers. Your life will be spared. Call me when you need help. let the love be your guide all the time." Niphredil heard the voice of Ulmo in her mind and felt the light of life returned to her. She felt a strange power in herself which she had not noticed before. she took a deep breath and suddenly she was back in Minas Tirith and fell on the ground exhausted.

"Niphredil!" she heard her brother's voice and soon two figure were on top of her. one of them picked her up in his arms. Niphredil recognized Legolas from his scent. He took her to her room and placed her on her bed. Finrod took her hand.

"She is like ice." He said Worriedly. Legolas put his hand on her brows. "She had consumed all of her power, for what, I don't know." Said Legolas and let his power flow in her. Niphredil felt a little life and energy in her veins and breathed deeper. She heard the door opened. "what has happened here?" she heard Gandalf's voice.

"Frodo!" she whispered.

"I think she had helped Frodo. she had a connection with him." said Legolas.

Niphredil felt movements around her and then felt Gandalf's hand on her cheek. "Niphredil! open your eyes. Where is Frodo? what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Niphredil didn't open her eyes. She was so tired. "Gorgoroth plains. They .... are fine ..... needed water. I .... Provided ..." she couldn't finish her words. A searing pain pierced her mind and she whined in agony and soon she was unconscious.

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