Chapter 22: Grief

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My Dear brother

If you are reading this letter it means that I'm not with you anymore. I wish Frodo destroys the Ring and we win this battle. But even if we win the battle, I have to deal with my dark fate.

My spirit must be in the realm of darkness now. I have only fifteen days to defeat Sauron according to what Lady Elbereth has told me. I have seen her in my dream. If I don't success to do so, I will fall and Sauron will take my power and will be able to once again return to Middle Earth and this time with more power and the darkness that he will bring with himself is nothing compared to even the time of Melkor himself.

So I want to ask the most hard thing of you and I beg you in the name of all the things you love to do as I say. Just remember that you will do me a favor and will save me from a horrible fate.

If I don't wake up and return on the morning of the fifteenth day, I want you to take my life. Please don't be mad at me and do as I say. This was the only way. If you don't do so, Sauron will return again and all the efforts and blood that this victory has costed will be for nothing and I don't want this.

Tell my dear grandparents that I love them So much. Tell my friends Gandalf, Gimli, Aragorn, Merry, and Pippin that it was an honor to get to know them and I love them all.

Please, Finrod. Don't fail me. Take my life after fifteen days. If you love me, please do as I say and save me from great turmoil that I have to suffer. I love you so much, my dear brother. Say my regards to my parents. I will go to see uncle Haldir.

With love


Niphredil's words were repeating themselves in Finrod's mind on his way back to the battlefield. How he was supposed to kill his sister? Someone, whom he loved more than anyone? How was he going to tell this to Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn? And what about Legolas? He would die if he hears that. How Niphredil could ask them to do so?

Tears were running on his face freely. His heart was exploding from pain. Why his sister? Why she should suffer this fate? Why Elbereth didn't help if she knew that this will happen?

The eagle began to lose height and soon they landed on the ground. Finrod dismounted. Men were helping the wounded. He saw Elladan and Elrohir standing near a carriage connected to Lótë. He walked to them. "Finrod! What was it? why do you look like this?" asked Elladan with concern.

Finrod didn't answer. He looked into the carriage. They had put a few cloaks into the carriage and there, had been laid his sister. Her face was pale and lifeless, but so beautiful nonetheless. Finrod caressed her cheek lovingly. "How do you expect us to do so, you, cruel girl?" he whispered.

"Finrod!" Said Gandalf and Finrod turned. He saw Legolas and Gandalf, each carrying a hobbit walking toward the carriage, followed by the others. Finrod looked directly at Legolas. He was pale and his eyes were dull. How he was supposed to tell him?

"what Niphredil had left?" asked Gandalf as they reached the carriage. But Finrod didn't answer. His all attention was to Legolas who didn't say a word. He put Frodo into the carriage next to Niphredil and Gandalf put Sam on her other side.

Legolas then looked at Finrod and waited. Finrod dropped his head and gulped. He held the letters in front of Legolas.

Legolas stared at the letters. From the look in Finrod's face, he knew what had been written in those letters was not good. He stretched his hand hesitantly and took the letters. One of them with a golden ribbon had his name on it. He didn't open it, instead opened the first letter and began to read. Elladan, Elrohir, Gandalf and Aragorn began to read from the top of his shoulder. As he read the words he felt like every emotion, every sense left his body. He didn't feel anything at all. He heard the others' gasps and hitched voices near him. "Elbereth Gilthoniel" said Elladan.

"what has been written there? Tell us. I'm dying of worry." Said Gimli impatient. But Legolas didn't hear if anyone explained or not. He stared at emptiness. His heart was empty. Why hadn't she told him? why she had come to this battle? Didn't she know that he would die without her? She had to tell him. She had to.

Legolas was angry with her. Angry that why she had let this happen. He gave the letter back to Finrod, but kept the letter that was for himself.

"We will fly to the southern skirts of Mirkwood. Everyone including Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn is there. Elladan! Elrohir! You can come if you want." He said. It was the first time he was speaking after what had happened for Niphredil. his voice was clear and firm but completely emotionless. He picked up Niphredil's body from the carriage.

"We will come." said Elrohir.

"I will come too." Said Gandalf.

"No, you should stay. Frodo still needs your help, so the others. I will send the news to you. Release Lótë as well. She will follow us." Said Legolas and stood in front of Gwaihir. "I should ask you and your kin to take us once more." Asked Legolas and Gwaihir bowed his head. Legolas mounted Gwiahir and Finrod, Elladan and Elrohir each mount one other eagle. The eagles raised in the sky and flew toward the woods of Mirkwood. On the ground, Lótë was following them with great speed.

Legolas looked down at Niphredil in his arm. She was so beautiful and fantastic. He bent and kissed her lips gently. "Don't you dare to leave me, Elentary. Don't you dare or I will kill myself to join you in the halls of Mandos. Do you understand?" he said and kissed her again. A tear fell from his eyes and fell on Niphredil's face. His grief was beyond measure.


Galadriel and Celeborn had stood in front of the first line of the trees of Mirkwood. They knew that their grandchildren were coming back. Behind them, Thranduil, Elrond, and Tauriel had stood, all worried and sad.

Soon they saw Eagles flying that way and not long after, they landed in front of them. Galadriel and Celeborn rushed to the first one which was Gwaihir. Legolas came down from his back with Niphredil in his arms.

Galadriel's heart shattered at the sight of her beloved daughter and she put her hand on her mouth to silence her sobs. "Niphredil!" said Celeborn with tearful eyes and caressed Niphredil's cheek. "Didn't I told you to go to the west? Why you never listen?"

Thranduil looked at Legolas. His heart broke at what he saw. Only a shell of his son had remained. Legolas was completely broken. "My son!" He whispered.

Tauriel looked at Legolas with sad eyes. The last time, when he had returned to Mirkwood with a mission from Lord Celeborn, he was totally different. Happiness and love were dripping from his features and now he was standing there with the body of his loved one in his arms. Tears ran on Tauriel's face who loved Legolas like a brother. She knew the pain of losing a loved one so well.

Elrond gazed at his sons. They were fine. He looked at Legolas. He could understand his emptiness. He had felt the same when his own wife Celebrain was lost. "Let's take her to the tents and see what we can do. Come this way." He said.

They walked into the forest. Not so far away, there was a clearing. The army of the elves has camped there. The Elves were gathered and watching with sad eyes. Everyone was silent. The Elves of Lorien who knew Niphredil well, were crying freely. All the Elves knew that they had lost their Elentary and were thinking whether the stars will shine like past again or not.

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