Chapter 25: Reunion with friends

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A/N: Hello everyone. Please vote and leave a comment for me after reading this chapter if you like it.


Niphredil had stood near the little waterfall watching the white foams swirling and moving. For the first time after 20 years, she felt completely relaxed. Being this carefree and calm was odd for her. She was in a light blue dress and had a delicate circlet on her head. She had taken a bath that was refreshing a lot, but she still felt weary.

Suddenly two strong but familiar arms curled around her and a firm body was pressed to her back. She smiled. "Legolas!" she said and turned in his arms so she became face to face with him.

Legolas kissed her nose. "you look so beautiful." he said and kissed her lips this time. Niphredil giggled. Legolas gazed at her and tilted his head. "what?" he asked.

Niphredil frowned. "what what?" she asked.

"I know this look. You want to say something. Tell me what it is." answered Legolas.

Niphredil dropped her eyes. "Well. I wanted to ask you something, but because I knew that you will disagree with it I didn't ask it. Enough I have disturbed you with my deeds." she said.

Legolas looked at her. She was so beautiful. How he was supposed to resist against her will.

"how do you feel?" he asked quietly while drawing small circles on her lower back with his thumb.

"A bit weary. But fine other than that." answered Niphredil and sighed in content and leaned her head on his shoulder, enjoying the peace. 

"The scare of the arrow, how it is?" asked Legolas and gently touched the place on her chest where the arrow of Sauron had impaled her.

"It has healed, but the scare has remained," answered Niphredil. "Lady Galadriel says that it probably will remain forever. It doesn't hurt only in sudden movements or when you press the area so hard."

Legolas nodded thoughtfully. "So I think if you listen to my orders, all of them," he said and emphasized on the word 'all'. "we can go to Ithilien and see the others."

Niphredil's head jerked up and she stared at Legolas. Legolas laughed at her surprised face and kissed her forehead. "Of course I know what's going on in this beautiful mind." he said and knocked his finger to her forehead. "your mind was occupied since I told you about Sam and Frodo. So I guess that is what you wanted to ask."

Niphredil smiled and kissed Legolas' lips. "I don't think I can hide anything from you anymore." she said.

"you can't and you won't hide anything of me anymore, even the smallest things. Am I made myself clear?" said Legolas firmly.

"I won't, my Lord. I promise." said Niphredil.

"that's good." said Legolas and kissed her hungrily which she returned happily. Their lips molded perfectly and moved in sync.

"So can I go and pack? I want to take something as gifts with myself." said Niphredil after they pulled away.

Legolas nodded. "we won't go alone. Finrod, Elladan, Elrohir, Tauriel and a few of others will come as well. We will ride tomorrow morning. It's a four-day ride to the northern Ithilien where the great army had camped for now." said Legolas.

And so they began their journey to Ithilien at dawn. Niphredil was riding Lótë and Legolas was riding a giant deer and he had dressed in a light green robe and had a golden circlet with a big green jewel on his head. He looked like the ancient kings of the elves and everyone had bowed and hailed him when he had come out of his tent that morning. Niphredil was in a light pink dress and had her circlet with Niphredil's flowers on her head. So they moved with a small group and they arrived at the beautiful woods of Ithilien in the first hour of the morning of the fifth day of their journey.


Pippin and Merry had woken up before dawn that morning. They decided to walk in the woods. They took the road which was going to the north. Not so far from their camp, there was a hill near the road. No trees had grown on it and It was covered with soft grass which seemed gray in the twilight. They walked up through the hill and looked to the north. They couldn't see the great forest, but they knew that it must be there. Merry exhaled sadly. No news had come after Gandalf's return and he had not brought good news with himself. They were worried about Niphredil's life.

"Do you think she is alright?" asked Pippin.

"I hope, Pip. I hope." answered Merry.

"you know, Merry, now that Frodo and Sam are fine I wish Niphredil be fine as well. Then this story can have a good ending. I already had missed her." Said Pippin.

Merry patted Pippin's back. "I wish too. She was a wonderful woman. We all had missed her." Said Merry.

They stood there until the first rays of the sun peeked from behind the mountains and fell on top of the hill. All around the hill, the trees were still in the morning shadows and were covered by a thin layer of mist. They came down from the hill and stepped into the road and wanted to go back to the camp when they halted by the sound of the horses coming from the north. The soft breeze blew and their heard a soft familiar laughter and their hearts began to beat faster.

They looked and saw a shadow of a giant creature with great horns and they saw the gleam of a silver horse near it. Someone dismounted from the giant creature and helped someone slim, wrapped in a silver cloak dismounting the silver horse. Merry and Pippin's hearts hammered from anticipation. The person pulled away its hood and at the same moment a strong wind blew and took the mist away with itself. Her long silver hair moved with the wind.

Merry and Pippin were rooted in their places and watching the two people in front of them. One of them was Legolas who was in an elegant robe and looked like the kings and the other...

"Niphredil!" they both whispered together.


Niphredil dismounted with the help of Legolas. The woods of Ithilien was so beautiful. The air smelled fantastic. She took off her hood. A strong wind blew and the mist vanished and she saw two small people standing in the road, watching them with disbelief.

Niphredil smiled warmly. She knew these two little ones so well. "Niphredil!" they shouted in union and ran toward them.

Niphredil stepped forward and knelt on the ground and opened her arms for the two young hobbits who threw themselves in her arms and almost knocked her to the ground, but Legolas put his hand on her back and steadied her.

"Niphredil! Oh Niphredil you're fine." said Pippin who was crying.

"we thought that we will never see you again." said Merry. He was crying as well.

"My dear boys. I have missed you two a lot." said Niphredil and ruffled their hair.

"Niphredil!" cried another one. Nihpredil looked ahead and saw Gimli standing there. He had heard Merry and Pippin's shouting and had run to their direction.

"Gimli!" said Niphredil with tearful eyes.

"ohhh lassie," said Gimli and clapped his hands and ran to her. He hugged Niphredil tight who returned the gesture.

"you scared us so much, lassie." said Gimli.

Niphredil bent down and kissed his head. "I'm so sorry for that." She said and raised her head. She saw Gandalf and Aragorn standing there laughing happily, but then her smile faded at the sight of two small figures behind them. Her eyes welled up and she put her hand on her mouth.

Frodo and Sam walked ahead and looked at her. "Frodo! Sam!" she said quietly. Frodo and Sam looked at her with tearful eyes and then they ran to her. She ran too and hugged them tightly. "Oh, my dear lord. Thanks to Eru that you are alright. Oh my dears, I'm so happy to see you two alive. you've done a great job." said Niphredil between her sobs.

"we wouldn't succeed without your help, Niphredil." said Frodo. Niphredil looked at both of them and kissed their foreheads in turn and then hugged them again.

She opened her eyes and saw Eomer standing behind Aragorn and Gandalf and had a smile on his face. He bowed his head for her. She smiled back at him and then closed her eyes in utter comfort. Everyone and everything was fine.

So it was that the friends saw each other on the increasing light of the day in the beautiful woods of Ithilien.

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