Chapter 32: Greenwood and a surprise

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A/N: I'm sorry. This chapter is a bit long. Although I love all of this chapter, but the surprising part is at the end. Don't lose it :)


Eight years had passed since the fall of Barad Dur. It was Mid-summer. Four ponies were trotting cheerfully on the green grass of the Eastern shores of the Great Anduin. The riders who were wrapped in the gray cloak of the Elves were singing a song aloud. All of the animals were looking at these strange travelers with amusement, for they had the clothes of the Elves, but surely not one of them.

They were approaching the gates of the entrance to the great forest. When they reached the Elven gate, the sun was setting behind the misty mountains and its golden rays had fallen on the gate. They dismounted and looked at the beautiful Elven masterpiece. Once again the sadness of these fair folk leaving Middle Earth fell on their hearts. Two lanterns were hanging from the gate.

They couldn't see so far inside of the forest, for the forest was too clumpy and dense and the golden light didn't go far inside, but the shadow didn't give you a menacing impression, quite the contrary, it was welcoming.

"Well, It's not as creepy as what Mr. Bilbo had described, isn't it?" said one of the riders who was Samwise Gamgee and his companions were, in fact, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin.

As soon as he said that, three Elves, wrapped in green and brown cloaks and hoods, walked out of the gate. All of them had bows and quivers. They walked closer and pulled away their hoods. Their Golden hair began to shine under the last rays of the sun. They put their hands on their hearts as the custom of their people and then the one who had stood forward began to talk in the common tongue. "Welcome, little Halflings from afar." He said. "I'm Thalion, the gatekeeper of Greenwood. We were waiting for you. Please come with us. The king and the Queen await you."

"You were waiting for us?" asked Merry in disbelief. Thalion nodded. "Yes, Our Queen had informed us of your arrival and we have orders to accompany you to the halls of our king, Legolas Greenleaf." He said.

"We are here to see Lady Niphredil as well. we had gone to Lothlorien to see her, but they said that we can find her here." Said Pippin.

The three Elves smiled like they remembered a good thing. "You are not wrong. She is here. Please come with us. Two days ride is from here to our halls in the northeast of the forest. We will stay in a camp not so far for the night." Said Thalion and beckoned the hobbits to follow him.

The hobbits took the reins in their hands and guided their ponies and stepped into the paved road. As they stepped into it a breeze blew and brought the fresh scent of the forest and the distance sound of laughing and a beautiful voice singing a song. They halted and closed their eyes in bliss.

"You are feeling the power of our Lord and Lady." Said Thalion with a smile. "You will feel it more as much as we get closer to the halls."

"I have no objections." Murmured Sam.

Thalion gave orders to the two guards in their own language. They nodded and soon vanished into the shadows. Thalion whistled and a gray horse trotted to him and nuzzled his muzzle to his neck.

"It's better if you mounted your ponies. We will ride slow so you can enjoy your journey through the forest. It's very beautiful." He said and jumped on top of his horse and looked at the hobbits who were still standing there and looked hesitant.

"Is it not better we take some guards with ourselves? We have heard that this forest is full of danger." Said Frodo.

Thalion laughed. "Don't be worried." He said. "Long time has passed since your uncle has passed through this forest, Frodo Baggins, and they didn't have our guide. We have cleared the forest after the great battle of the Ring and fall of Dol Guldur and the forest is quite safe now. Besides, the power of our Lady protects the forest and maybe you can't see them, but we have people guarding the road."

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