Chapter 26: Gifts and farewell (1)

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A/N: Hello, my dear reader. This part of the story was long but connected. So I decided to split it into two chapters with the same names. I love these two parts. I wish you like them too. Please vote and leave a comment.


Aragorn held a ceremony for the return of the Elves. At lunch, they all sat at a large table which had been put under beech trees, talking about what had happened in the last fourteen days.

"So it is not bad to be the guard of a citadel after all." Asked Niphredil from Pippin who had just finished his tale about how much he had honor among the guards. He and Merry had sat on each side of Niphredil and Frodo and Sam had sat on the chairs in front of her.

"Well, I think every army needs an intelligent, brave leader among them." Said Pippin proudly.

Merry peeked at Pippin from the other side of Niphredil. "Yes, two exact attributes you don't have, Pip." He said and everyone laughed.

Niphredil kissed Pippin's humpy face. "he is just kidding. The four of you showed that you have courage more than all of us. If it was not because of you four brave hobbits we would have lost so long ago." She said and looked at Pippin. "If you had not gone after Gandalf to help Faramir he would have died that night and that required a lot of courage, Pip." Said Niphredil and Pippin wiggled his eyebrows triumphantly for Merry.

"My lady, you should hear the song that the minstrel of Gondor had sung for Master Peregrin. The people of Gondor love him so much because of saving their beloved captain." Said Sam.

"Well, I have only heard the one about you and Frodo, Sam, and let me say that the writer had not described your bravely deeds enough." said Niphredil. Sam blushed.

"thank you, my lady." He said shyly. Niphredil chuckled.

"I should make that minstrel to sing a song about the idiocy of you two pointy ears in this war. Talking with that cruel. Huh. Very silly thing to do." Groaned Gimli who was drinking a mug of ale and pointed to Niphredil and Legolas.

All of the Elves other than Finrod, Elladan, and Elrohir who knew about their friendship coughed hard as Gimli mentioned their king and their lady like that, but Legolas and Niphredil laughed alongside the others.

Sam peered at Legolas intently. "Legolas has changed a lot." He said.

"Me? really? I think it's just because of the clothes. You had not seen me with my formal clothes." Said Legolas and Niphredil tried to hide her smile.

Frodo shook his head. "No. Sam is right. you have become a little bit scary. you look like the ancient kings that we have read about them in the legendary books. And all of you act oddly toward him. you look like someone more than a Prince of Mirkwood." said Frodo questioningly and pointed to the Elves.

"yes, he looks like someone more than a prince of Mirkwood. He looked so powerful when he was talking with Sauron in the last battle." Said Merry. Niphredil shivered at the mention of Sauron's name, but she collected herself soon.

"He is the high king of all of the elves of Middle Earth." Said Tauriel and looked proudly at Gimli, happy to finally announce the title of her king.

The four hobbits were looking at Tauriel with wide eyes and then turned to Legolas who laughed at their funny faces. "yes that is why." Said Niphredil and laughed with the others.

"But how is it possible? I thought that the last king was Gil-Galad who died in the battle." said Frodo surprised.

"Gil- Galad had a daughter who was Legolas' mother. His genealogy is connected to Fingon, the high king of Noldor and Elves of Middle Earth." explained Gandalf.

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