Chapter 21: Niphredil's secret revealed

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Legolas had no idea how he got to Finrod's side, whether he had run or walked. he knelt in front of Finrod and took Nihpredil's body from his arms. Finrod didn't resist. He was crying. Legolas looked at Niphredil's beautiful face. She was deathly pale and was lighter than usual.

All of their memories passed from his mind. The first time he saw her in Mirkwood. When she put her delicate hand on his face and told him that he will be a great king. When he carried her half-dead body to Imladris. The first time she laid her head on his shoulder. Their first kiss in Lothlorien. "I won't let anything happen for you.". He had told her the exact words. He closed his eyes tightly and pressed Nihpredil to his chest. He had failed badly and his love was gone now. A dragon was roaring and burning inside of his heart. his grief was beyond measure. He wanted to shout, to cry hard, to do something but he couldn't. 

"Oh, lassie." said Gimli sadly and knelt beside Legolas. Legolas opened his eyes. No tears were coming from his eyes. He was empty. 

"Niphredil!" said Pippin and Merry hugged him and both cried. 

Eagles landed near them and bowed their heads for the Lady of Lorien. Elladan and Elrohir had knelt beside Finrod. Their eyes were teary as well. Eomer and Imrahil had stood behind them, watching the scene with sadness. Eomer's heart was exploding from pain. Legolas felt a hand on his shoulder and Aragorn sat on his other side. He put his hand in front of Niphredil's nose and his eyes widened. "She is breathing." he said surprised. "she needs medical attention, Legolas."  

Legolas shook his head. "It's not the wound that is killing her. It has already healed. It's a curse that is working and curing it, is beyond our ability." said Elrohir quietly. Her soul was beyond their reach. 

"If something happened to me, I have left something with Faramir son of Denethor in Minas Tirith. You should see it as soon as possible." Niphredil's words echoed in Finrod's head and he stood abruptly. "She had left something with Faramir. She had foreseen this. maybe she had left something to save her. I will go to Minas Tirith." Said Finrod. One of the Eagles cried and moved its wings. It was ready to take Finrod. Finrod went and mounted the eagle and the big bird flew in the sky and soon it was out of sight.

Elladan stood. "My Lord! We should tend to her body and clean her wounds." he said to Legolas who was in some sort of trance.

Legolas stood slowly with Niphredil in his arms. Then they heard voices and turned toward Mordor. Three eagles were coming toward them. they landed and Aragorn ran to the first one which was Gwaihir and Gandalf was on his back. He took a little body from Gandalf. Merry and Pippin's eyes widened with shock. Then Gandalf jumped down with another one in his arms. 

"Frodo! Sam!" cried Merry and ran to Gandalf, but Gandalf ignored them and walked toward Legolas and looked sadly at Niphredil in his arms. "Legolas! Frodo and Sam need your help. you should help." He said. Legolas looked at Frodo and Sam with dull eyes and then turned to Elrohir and placed Niphredil gently in his arms and then walked to Gandalf silently.

Imrahil took off his cloak and flatten it on the ground. Aragorn put Sam on it and took off his own cloak and put it under his head. Gandalf did the same for Frodo. Legolas knelt beside them and started with Frodo. Gandalf looked at his eyes sadly. It was the eyes of a dead man who have no hope or goal. The king of the Elves was lost.


Faramir had stood on the battlements with Eowyn in his arms. He couldn't be more happy. Some minutes ago, Great weight had been put away from their hearts and they had realized that they had won. He gazed at the direction of Mordor. His heart longed to be in that battle next to his king, Aragorn. He saw something in the sky, approaching fast. 

"What's that?" said Ewoyn and pointed to it. When It came closer they found out what it is. "It's an eagle." Said Faramir and walked forward. Soon the giant eagle reached the city and flew directly to them and landed on the short wall in front of them. Faramir and Eowyn looked at the bird with awe, but then someone jumped from its back. It was Finrod. He was pale and wrecked. Faramir's eyes widened with fear. Lady Niphredil.

Finrod ran to him. "Faramir! Has Niphredil left anything with you? I should see it now." He said. Faramir nodded his head. "follow me!" he said and turned and ran to his room followed by Finrod and Eowyn. He remembered the night before the army leaving the city.

Faramir was asleep when he heard knocking at his door. He woke up, stood and opened the door. There had stood Lady Niphredil, more beautiful than any time. She had a faint halo of light around her. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but I should have talked to you." Said Niphredil

"Please forgive me, my lady. come in." Said Faramir hastily and opened the door more and Lady walked in. "what can I do for you?" 

Niphredil looked at the ground for a second and bit her lip like she was uncertain of something

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Niphredil looked at the ground for a second and bit her lip like she was uncertain of something. She took a deep breath and raised her head. This time her eyes were certain. She pulled out two rolled up letters and hold them in front of Faramir. One of the rolls had a golden ribbon around it and both had Elvish words on them. Faramir took them with a questioning look. "I want you to do me a favor, Faramir. Keep these for me. If we are lucky and win this war, my brother or someone else will come after these. give them to him. It's so important." she said.

"I will my lady. but is everything alright? you look in distress." said Faramir.

Niphredil smiled warmly. "yes, It is and will be." she said.

They reached Faramir's room. he walked in and took out the two rolls from his drawer. "She said that you will come after these. Is she alright?" he said and gave the rolls to Finrod who took them quickly and said nothing. 

Finrod took the rolls. One of them with golden ribbon had Legolas name on it. He opened the other and read it quickly. As he went down the letter he became paler and paler if it was possible. he then fell to his knees. He was in utter shock. "Niphredil! what have you done?" he said in disbelief. Niphredil's secret plan was revealed now. Her only way to save everyone. 

Finrod clenched the paper in his hand. No. It was impossible. They couldn't do so.

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