Chapter 34: Fëanor's prophecy

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Three years passed from Elanill's birthday and things couldn't be better for Legolas and Niphredil. Elanill had given another meaning to their lives, and not only their lives. She was the beacon of hope for the Elves. Everyone loved her dearly. She had given light to the life of all of the Elves. She was so beautiful even as a child. Her curly golden hair was like pure gold, glittering under the sun. Her blue eyes were resembling her father's eyes. Gimli had said one time that if you mix the beauty of Lady Galadriel and Niphredil together then it will be Elanill. He was very fond of the little Elleth.

That day, Niphredil and Legolas were walking in a garden. It was spring and everywhere was full of flowers. Elanill was running around under the watchful eyes of her parents. She was chasing little butterflies and laughing happily. Her laughter was the most beautiful voice in her parents' ears.

Legolas' arm was around Niphredil's waist, keeping her close to his side. "you know, Niphredil, this year I want to hold a great party for our wedding anniversary and invite everyone from our other realms." He said.

Niphredil chuckled. "Really? And why do you decided to do that?" She asked.

Legolas stopped her and peered into her eyes. "Because that day is the most important day of my life. The day that I finally gained you for myself. The day that our love completed." he said calmly and leaned his forehead to hers and curled his arms around her waist. "I want everyone knows how much I love you."

Niphredil smiled. "How much?" she whispered.

"Well, I think I will fail terribly to say." Said Legolas and almost closed the gap between them. Their breaths mingled. "for infinite is uncountable." he whispered and then closed the gap and kissed her deeply. Niphredil melted into the kiss. If it wasn't because of Legolas' strong arms around her waist she would fell on the ground. She loved the way he kissed her. So passionate, caring and lovely that lifting your spirit. She played with the hair on the back of his neck. That only caused Legolas to groan, tightening his hold on her and kiss her deeper. Niphredil smiled onto the kiss. She felt powerful when she made him feel like that.

They pulled away after a while and leaned their foreheads together, both panting hard. "Was it enough for you to understand how much I love you?" he said when he caught his breath.

Niphredil giggled. "Yes, my Lord." she said. "That's good." said Legolas and pecked her lips again.

Niphredil looked around. Elanill was nowhere to be seen. "Elanill?" she called.

"Elanill, where are you sweetheart?" called Legolas. Then they heard her beautiful laughter, coming from not too far. They both smiled and went to the direction of the voice hand in hand.

They passed a tree and then they halted at the sight in front of them with eyes wide from shock. There in front of Elanill had knelt a very beautiful Elf. He was wearing a simple gray robe. A silver circlet was on his black hair. Great power was radiating from him. He was playing with Elanill with a faint smile, but something was not right about him. He seemed distance although he was there. He was ghost-like.

"Elanill!" called Niphredil, worried for her little child, for she had not seen this man at all. Elanill and the man turned to them. "Come here, darling."

Elanill smiled and ran to her mother's open arms. Niphredil picked her up and kept her securely in her arms. Legolas stood in front of them. The strange Elf stood slowly. A strange light was in his gray eyes. His face gave an impression of pride. Legolas and Niphredil didn't know why, but both felt great respect toward the stranger.

"You must be king Legolas and Lady Niphredil, the mightiest lords of these lands." Said the man with a prideful voice, but as Niphredil looked at him better she saw a great sadness in his eyes.

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