Chapter 39: The prophecy

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"They are at the entrance of the forest. They will be here in two days." Said Tauriel.

"Finrod!" said Niphredil weakly. It was the day of her anniversary and she was in the worst condition in the past 38 years ago. Finrod sat at the edge of the bed worriedly. "Are you sure that Elanill will stay in Lorien? Did you tell her this is her father's order?" asked Niphredil.

Finrod nodded. "Yes, my dear sister. But for everyone's peace of mind I will send Kyros and Kyline to make sure she will stay in Lorien. Don't be worried." He said and then stood and went after his twins.

Niphredil closed her eyes, any second she would fall into a dark abyss that would last at least for two days. "Legolas!" she whispered. "Yes, my love?" Asked Legolas worriedly. He hated to see her like this and every time he cursed himself for failing to protect her in the battle in front of the black gates.

"I'm sorry for leaving you in such a bad time, but Please, don't do anything stupid." Said Niphredil.

"Don't be worried, lassie. I will make sure he acts properly." Said Gimli, trying to light her up, but Niphredil's breathing quickened and after a second she sighed and then closed her eyes and became unconscious.

"Niphredil!" whispered Legolas sadly and his eyes welled up. he leaned his forehead on hers. She was hot. "She will be fine." Said Gimli and patted Legolas back, but just like all those years, it was like someone blew the dust of sadness on the realm of Greenwood and everyone in all over the forest realized that their queen had fallen to her anniversary sleep. Everyone was in distress. The coming of King Elessar and his family was a bad omen for them. The memory of the prophecy for their beloved princess had been awakened in their minds.


Elanill's heart was beating fast. She felt her mother's fall just an hour ago. Her parents' image didn't leave her mind. Soon she passed from Anduin somewhere near the carrock and entered the green fields of the eastern shore. Because of the great eyesight of the Elves, she could see the line of the trees, but also something else that was moving slowly toward the main gate. An Army. They were almost there. Her heartbeat increased and her hand went for her sword unconsciously.

As Elenta felt her rider's stress she began to gallop faster. Soon Elanill saw the flags. A white tree with seven stars around it. "Gondor?" whispered Elanill. She was surprised by seeing the humans coming toward the forest, but king Elessar was her parents' old friend. She calmed down a bit but still, something troubled her mind about this sudden visit.

Soon she got to the gate, unaware of what was waiting for her.


Thalion was restless. The host of Gondor was reaching the gate and he didn't have any good feelings about it. He loved Lady Elanill a lot, like all of the other Elves and seeing the humans coming to the forest was a bad omen in his thoughts. At least, thanks to Elbereth, Lady Elanill wasn't in Greenwood.

Soon the great army reached the gate. King Elessar and a young man were riding in front. They both were looked glorious but not like Lady Arwen who was riding beside the king. The Elves had not forgotten their Evenstar.

Thalion and his guards stepped forward as the riders halted in front of the gate of Elven road and dismounted. He bowed to the king and Lady Arwen followed by his guards.

"Hail to the King Elessar and Lady Arwen, our Evenstar." Said Thalion in common tongue. "I'm Thalion, the gatekeeper of Greenwood."

"Hail to Thalion, the gatekeeper of Greenwood the great." Said Aragorn. "I wish you forgive us for our unexpected arrival, but I and my queen were so depressed to see our old friends, your king and queen and we hope king Legolas will let us enter his forest, although he has forbidden this to all men."

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