Chapter 8: wild men

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Eomer had just come out of the king's tent when he saw Niphredil walked and vanished between the trees. She looked paler than usual. He followed her. the glowing of her hair could be seen in the darkness of the forest. He followed her until they reached a clearing centered by a small lake. He saw her bent down and splashed water to her face. She stood slowly and suddenly She stiffed. A minute passed and she didn't show any sign of moving.

Eomer slowly came out of his hiding from behind a tree. He walked to her and gently put his hand on her shoulder. In a matter of a second, Niphredil pushed him back against a tree with a power that was unbelievable for such a slim median and was pressing a dagger to his neck. Eomer hit the tree and the air left his lungs. He looked at Niphredil. her eyes were completely different they were glowing white and it was like she couldn't see him.

"Niphredil! It's me, Eomer." Chocked Eomer. The dagger was hurting his neck. Niphredil stayed still and panted hard. Slowly the white glow vanished from her eyes and her brown eyes were back. She blinked several times and slowly backed away from Eomer.

"Frodo! No!" she said quietly in disbelief. She turned from Eomer and walked to the lake. "my lady, Please. Help Frodo. he is in danger. I have no more power to help him." Niphredil begged Lady Galadriel in her mind with the last remaining of her power. She felt Galadriel got her message. No power had remained in her anymore. She fell to her knees.

"Frodo! Sam!" she whispered and covered her face with her hands. Hot tears ran on her face. What happened for Frodo? where was he? Why Sam was not with him?

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head and saw Eomer looking at her with worried eyes. She looked at his neck and saw a little wound on it. She gently put her hand on his neck.

"I hurt you. I'm sorry." She said and ran her fingers on Eomer's neck. When she took away her hand, only a red scare had remained.

"Niphredil! what happened for you? are you all right?" asked Eomer with concern. Niphredil didn't say a word. She slowly stood. "Niphredil!" called Eomer softly.

"the ring is safe, Elentary." Niphredil heard Lady Galadriel's voice in her mind and closed her eyes. "what about Frodo?" she asked but no answer came to her. Niphredil felt her heart shattered into pieces. "Frodo!" she covered her face with her hands once more and cried hard. She felt Eomer came and hugged her tightly. That made her calm, but also reminded her how much she had missed Legolas.

Eomer was dying for seeing Niphredil in such a condition. She was trembling bad and her sobs were not subsiding. He drew circles on her back and after a few minutes, she slowly calmed down and finally raised her head. "what has troubled you like this, my lady?" he asked.

"we are paying too much to defeat darkness." Said Niphredil. Eomer gazed at her pale face. He took her hand. "you need to rest. Come with me." He said and turned to walk toward the camp but halted and his hand went for his sword when he saw a strange short dark figure in the shadows. "who's there?" he asked aloud and pushed Niphredil behind himself protectively. The shadow came forth followed by two others. When they come closer Niphredil and Eomer saw their faces. They were squat shape of a man, gnarled as an old stone, and the hairs of their scanty beard straggled on his lumpy chin like dry moss. He was short-legged and fat-armed, thick and stumpy, and clad only with grass about his waist. Eomer stared at them with wide eyes. Niphredil came out from behind Eomer. One of the men came closer and the three of them bowed as much that their heads were about to touch the ground. "Ghân-buri-Ghân tribute the lady of the Elves." Said the leader with his deep and guttural voice.


Some Minutes later, Niphredil was with Theoden and Eomer in a small tent and Ghân-buri-Ghân had been seated on the ground. he had said that his people can help the Lady and her follower. Niphredil had trusted these men. She could feel no bad intentions and her grandfather had told her stories about strange men living in the forest on Druadan. So she and Eomer had brought him to the king.

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