Chapter 11: Healing the souls

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They entered the city through the broken gates. everywhere were damaged, the wreck and slaughter had laid about all. Fire and smoke and stench was in the air. Already men were laboring to clear a way through the jetsam of battle, they had taken the wounded people into the healing rooms and more of them were taken there. Legolas, Niphredil, Gimli, Finrod, Aragorn, and Imrahil followed Gandalf to the healing rooms.

The number of wounded people was too much. healers were running between the rooms to help them. Niphredil looked at the wounded People. Some of them were crying in agony and pain. But some were looked to be in some kind of sleep. It was a sickness came from the Nazgûl. And those who were stricken with it fell slowly into an ever deeper dream, and then passed to silence and a deadly cold, and so died. And it seemed to the tenders of the sick that on the Halfling and on the Lady of Rohan this malady lay heavily.

"They need help, something more than herbs." Whispered Niphredil. Legolas nodded. "Finrod! Come and help me to heal them." He said to Finrod.

Niphredil turned to Aragorn. "It's time for you to pick the name that had been prophesied for you .... Elessar!" she said and touched the green stone of Galadriel on his chest. "Go and Help Eowyn and Merry, Aragorn. you have the power of the great kings. use it for healing the damages of darkness."

Aragorn looked at her eyes for a second and something gleamed in his eyes. He nodded his head.

"I will lead you to their rooms." Said Gandalf and left, followed by Aragorn.

"I will help too." said Niphredil to Legolas.

"No, you won't. this is an order. you should rest." Said Legolas firmly but Niphredil shook her head.

"I can rest later." she said and walked to the first patient and knelt beside him.

Finrod patted Legolas' shoulder. "she never listens to the orders. you will get used to it." he said and went after his sister. Legolas sighed and followed them.

the healers of the Minas Tirith were too happy to see the Lords and the Lady of the Elves in the healing rooms and were surprised by their ability in healing. They labored for hours.

Niphredil knelt beside a man who was in a dying sleep. She looked at his yellow face and sighed. He was one of the many who was like this.

"Black shadow." Said a voice from beside her and Niphredil turned to it. she was a middle-aged woman. She knelt beside Niphredil and looked at the sleeping man sadly. "their sadness, fear, and grief are killing them." She said and a drop of tear rolled on her face.

Niphredil's heart became broken at the sight of the crying woman. She held a hand upon the man's brow. She then began to softly sing an old song of Eldar. A song that said about hope and courage. She let her power flow into the melody. Whether it was because of the magic of her song or other powers, a wind blew in the room and took her soft voice to every corner of the city. Everyone became silent as the Lady of the Elves singing the ancient words. None of them understand the meaning of the song but it was like the droplets of rain falling on their hearts and washed them or like a soft wind that blows and brings the fantastic scent of green meadows that are full of flowers and comfort you. It was a long song and Niphredil sang it during healing the patients. This is a little part of it in the common tongue:

The stars are shining in the sky

So don't fear the darkness of night

The moon is bright in the sky

So don't let the fear fill your heart

Let the soft wind of the night

Which come from the snowy mountains

Caress your beautiful face

Let the soft song of nightingales

Which come from the evergreen gardens of Lorien

heal your wounded heart

The light of the Telperion has covered everywhere

so it's time

when The silver tree which the Elves love more

is blooming with silver blossoms

and it's soothing light will refresh your soul

maybe our beloved tree don't live anymore

but its light is still being kept in the moon and star

so don't let the fear fill your heart


so it was that with the soothing words of the song, those who were in the deep pit of the Black shadow woken up slowly and fell into a comfortable sleep. Her song washed away the dirt of the shadow from the city and everyone could breathe better and most of the people slept that night and dreamed the Elentary of Lorien in their dreams walking under the light of the stars.

Niphredil's power was the exact opposite of Sauron's. so was it that she was one of the few who can undo many of his damages. This was her fate to heal the wounds of this world caused by Sauron.

All those who heard her song that night, never forget her beautiful voice and always kept it in their hearts.

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