Chapter 2: Savior love

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"Niphredil!" Niphredil opened her eyes. Everywhere was darker than night. "Niphredil!" she heard again and turned. Her heart was beating fast. Then she saw it. It was like a crowned black figure was coming out of the gates of hell, a shadow surrounded by fire. Sauron. Niphredil was rooted in her place. She couldn't move or do anything. "you are mine, your power, your life." Said Sauron and came closer. The fire around him was moving with him.

He stopped in front of her and towered over her. he raised his hand and caressed her cheek. Niphredil felt irritation on her cheek. "Soon, I will have you. You really thought that you had any chance to win against me? I that am the most powerful being in these lands?" he said menacing and brought closer his completely black head. "You all will fall at my feet. And then you will beg me to take you as my queen." He said and brought his face closer and closer. It was like he was going to kiss Niphredil, but for Niphredil it was like she was drawn to an endless well of nihility. She closed her eyes, paralyzed by fear. she knew if Sauron's lips touch hers, she would fall into darkness. Sauron's face was only an inch away from her. "that useless Elven prince can't protect you anymore, my love." he scoffed.

Legolas. A light appeared in Niphredil's mind. First, it was just a little dot, but then it grew larger and larger and illuminate her whole mind. Legolas. Niphredil stuck to the image of Legolas like a rescue rope. She felt his soft lips on hers, his soothing voice, his laughter which was like a sound of a White poplar's leaves in the wind, and his passion and love in her heart. Sauron's unseen lips had almost touched Niphredil's, but suddenly she opened her eyes which were glowing brightly. Sauron was pushed backward, although Niphredil had not moved a muscle. Her whole body was shining white, like a supernova in the dark night.

"He is not useless, you dark existence." She said and Sauron backed away slowly. Suddenly she was awake, back in her room in Rohan. She sat at her bed, panting hard. Then she heard shoutings from outside. She rushed out of her room. The room which the rest had slept in was not far away from hers. The voices came from there. "Pippin!" Niphredil heard Merry's shouting and ran to the room. Aragorn was on the floor in Legolas arms. She saw the burning Palantir rolling on the ground. Gandalf quickly threw a blanket on it. Niprhedil looked around and saw Pippin was on the ground with wide open eyes but rigid like a stone. Merry ran to Niphredil and hugged her legs tightly. Gandalf knelt beside Pippin. Eomer and Theoden rushed into the room too.

"Fool of a Took!" he said. But then he closed his eyes and put his hand on Pippin's forehead and whispered something. Pippin then closed his eyes and began to wiggle under Gandalf's hand, it was like he wanted to flee from him. Gandalf kept him there and made him look into his eyes.

 Gandalf kept him there and made him look into his eyes

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"Look at me." Said Gandalf and Pippin peered into his eyes. "Gandalf, forgive me." He said and closed his eyes in sorrow.

"Look at me!" said Gandalf firmly. "What did you see?"

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