Chapter 42: Eldarion's proposal

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"What do you think?" asked Legolas when their guests left the hall. "You are right. He has something in his mind." answered Niphredil and Legolas nodded.

"Who?" asked Gimli. "Eldarion." Answered Legolas. "Oh, No. Is he ..." said Gimli in disbelief and looked at Niphredil who had stared where she had last seen Eldarion. She nodded slowly.

"You were right, Legolas. He wants Elanill for having more power. He thinks he loves her." said Niprhedil quietly. "But doubt is eating him from inside. This doubt can either stop him or only accelerates what he wants to do."

"We should be careful." Said Legolas. "Yes. We must not let him see Elanill again." said Gimli, but Niphredil shook her head.

"No. that will only make everything worse. It can create unreliability between the two races and can cause a war between Elves and humans." said Niphredil.

"So what we must do?" asked Gimli.

Niphredil turned to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "wait to see what Eldarion will do and pray he changes his mind." she said.

The three of them gazed at the entrance of the hall. In their heart, they knew that Eldarion won't change his mind.

"Whether Eldarion expresses his request or not Elanill Mallorn won't stay in Middle Earth so long. She will leave here after this party." Said Legolas sternly and Niphredil and Gimli gazed at him with wide eyes. Legolas looked at Niphredil. "I will send her to gray havens with Lenwë after the ceremony. It's the only way to keep her safe." He said. Niphredil stared at him for a moment and then nodded sadly. Legolas was right. Middle Earth was not safe for Elanill Mallorn anymore.


Elanill had sat in her room, reading a book. It was near sunset. The great party will start in an hour. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in." said Elanill and closed her book and placed it at the table beside her chair.

The door opened and her grandfather stepped in. She smiled and stood happily. "My lord!" she said and then bowed. Thranduil smiled and hugged her. "We have not seen you from last night." he said.

Elanill dropped her head. "This is better for everyone's safety." she said.

"So you want to flee by imprisoning yourself in your room?" asked Thranduil.

Elanill looked at him. "I don't want to flee." she said. "But my sweetheart, that is exactly what you are doing." said Thranduil. Elanill sighed and looked away. She went to the balcony and stood there. The last rays of the sun was passing through the leaves and the balcony was full of their golden light. Elanill's hair began to glow with the light.

Thranduil glanced at her sadly. He went and stood behind her and called her softly. "Elanill!"

Elanill turned around. Her eyes were tearful. "I just don't want to hurt anyone." she said. "I'm afraid."

Thranduil embraced her and caressed her hair while she was crying. "It's alright to be afraid," he said. "But you must not let your fear rule on your life. It's important you know that you are not alone, my dear daughter. We are all with you. Whatever happens, we will stand together."

Elanill raised her head and peered into her grandfather's kind eyes. Thranduil kissed her forehead. "This is the last thing the Elves want. To see their beloved princess imprisons herself because of them and this is not what I say. You can hear it from everyone."

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