Chapter 12: The command of Valar

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Niphredil had stood in the garden of the room which had been given to her. The Pelennor fields were in full view. She had come out of the healing rooms with Legolas and Finrod after all of the patients were taken care off. Niphredil had gone and checked on Merry and Eowyn. she also had seen Faramir, son of Denethor by Gandalf's request. Aragorn had done great to heal them and Niphredil only helped them to sleep better. Then One of the few maids of the Citadel who had remained in the city had guided her to a room which had a joint garden with two other rooms which belonged to Legolas and Finrod.

the wind was blowing and moving the silver and green leaves of the poplars tree and created a beautiful sound. Only a few hours had remained to the dawn. Legolas walked into the garden. He saw Niphredil standing in her beautiful silver nightdress, glowing like she was reflexing the light of the stars. She turned and saw him and smiled warmly which melted his heart.

He went and stood beside her. "You should rest, my love. Everyone is resting because of your beautiful song." He said softly.

Niphredil turned to the Pelennor fields. "I need time to order my thoughts and calm down enough, so I can sleep." She said.

Legolas stood behind her and wrapped his hand around her. Niphredil stiffed a little when his arm touched her belly.

"Niphredil!" whispered Legolas with concern who had sensed her tension.

"It's only bruised. I checked it." said Niphredil. Legolas put his palm on her belly and whispered the words of healing underneath his breath. Niphredil's pain subsided and vanished soon. But she was so tired. Her body was aching. Legolas kissed her temple gently. "come. Let's sleep together." He whispered.

Niphredil laughed softly. "We should not get used to this sleeping matters, especially when my brother is here. although I want nothing more to be in your arms." She said.

Legolas kissed her ear. "I think he had accepted our love. Besides, I'm the king." He said the last part sarcastically. But Niphredil sensed something in his voice when he mentioned the name of the king. She turned in his arms so she could gaze at his beautiful eyes and saw a tension hidden in them.

"what's wrong, Legolas?" she asked and put her hand on his cheek. "you seem nervous, or it's better to say confused."

Legolas closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. He was silent for a moment and then opened his eyes and peered into Niphredil's beautiful brown eyes.

"I saw Ulmo, Niphredil. I'm burdened with a task that I don't like at all." He said finally. Niphredil's eyes grew wide. "Ulmo the Valar?" she asked in disbelief.

Legolas nodded his head. "one night when we were at Anduin's bank and Gimli and Aragorn were sleep, I went to the beach which was near our campsite." He said and closed his eyes and a faint smile came to his lips. He sighed. "Ah, the sea, Niphredil. you should see it. I don't think my heart will ever feel peace under the trees again after hearing the seagulls' cry. I was there, watching the beautiful waves when suddenly the sea became stormy, although no wind was blowing and big waves crashed on the beach. Then a tall and mighty figure slowly came out of the water. He was beautiful and frightening. His shield and armor were glittering like rippling water under the sunlight, and the light in his eyes was like the light of the sun on pure water of a little stream. He came forth and towered over me. I knelt in front of him and bowed my head and called his name. 'Hail, Ulmo, the keeper of the waters of this world.' He laughed and his laughter was like the gurgling of a stream and sound of the waves at the same time. 'it was long ago when I last came to the shores of Middle Earth and talked with one of your kin, but it seems you had no problem to know me, heir of Gil-Galad. Raise, high king of the Elves of Middle Earth.' He said to me and I stood. He then peered into my eyes and said 'I came here to give you the message of Valar. We want you to be our errand and gave our message and judgment to Sauron as the high king of the Elves and our successor in these lands. Although I'm sure that it's going to be hard for you with this fire of love that is burning inside of your heart.' He said the last part almost to himself and was silent for a second. I said 'I will do as the Valar order me so my people could come back to Valinor, for our time has ended here and our hearts yearn for the evergreen plains of Valinor. I will do as you say although it will be hard for me.'. he then said 'even if it'll be dangerous for your loved one? The Elentary of Middle-Earth? I disagreed with this decision myself but couldn't argue more with the council of Valar.' He said and my heart skipped a beat, for I was fearful for you, Niphredil." said Legolas and then kissed Niphredil's forehead.

"What's the request of Valar?" asked Niphredil.

"Ulmo said 'soon you will face Gorthaur the Maia who had named himself Sauron, in front of the gates of his land, Mordor. The Valar wants you to tell him their message. They want Sauron to don't continue the way of his master, Melkor, and compromise himself to you. You should then send him to the Valinor to be judged by the Valar for his foul actions.' I became angry then. I clenched my fists and said 'and to be spared after a thousand years? I'm sure he will come back to his old way and that time he will cover these lands with second darkness like his master.' Ulmo shook his head in ruth. 'that's the command of the Valar.' He said. 'will you obey?'." Said Legolas and looked away from Niphredil but tightened his hold on her.

They were silent for a moment. Niphredil knew how much Legolas hated Sauron. All of the Elves who lived in Middle-Earth hated him in fact for they had seen too much turmoil because of him. and now the Valar wanted them to send Sauron back to them instead of helping them to ruin him like his master. But if they disobeyed Valar there was no guarantee that they don't become cursed by them again. Mandos curse had caused them so evil things and death in the past. none of them wanted something like that at all.

"What did you answer?" asked Niphredil softly.

"I agreed although I'm sure Sauron won't compromise." Said Legolas. Niphredil nodded her head slowly. "Have you told this to anyone?" she asked.

"Only Gandalf. He said I have done the right thing." He said. His face was grim and it hurts Niphredil to see him in such conditions. She curled her hands around his neck and pulled him closer and kissed him softly. Legolas responded to her kiss instantly and his tensed muscles relaxed under her touch slowly.

They pulled away after a while. Niphredil leaned her forehead to his. "Whatever happens, you have me and your people on your back." She whispered.

Legolas smiled and pecked her lips. "Let's rest." He said and picked her up in his arms and carried her to his room and put her on his bed. He then lied down next to her and pulled the covers around them and then curled his arm around her and put his hand on her belly.

"That's good." Said Niphredil sleepy. Legolas smiled and kissed her soft hair. he was so worried about her. if Sauron would compromise himself, then Legolas was sure one day he would be back to his evil ways and he would harm Niphredil and then Niphredil couldn't be safe even in Valinor.

soon he heard Niphredil's soft breathing. she snuggled closer to him and put her hand on his. Legolas kissed her hair again and sniffed in its fantastic scent. he relaxed a bit. whatever was going to happen, he would protect her with all of his might. he closed his eyes and tried to enjoy the moment. he fell to sleep soon.

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