Chapter 5: Eowyn

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Next day, Miles away, in Minas Tirith, in the last hour of the day, Pippin had stood with his new friend Bergil, watching the companies came and were hailed and cheered and passed through the Gate, men of the Outlands marching to defend the City of Gondor in a dark hour. At last and proudest, Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth, kinsman of the steward of Gondor, with gilded banners bearing his token of the Ship and the Silver Swan, and a company of knights in full harness riding grey horses came into the city and behind them seven hundreds of men at arms, tall as lords, grey-eyed, dark-haired, singing as they came.

Suddenly, Bergil grabbed Pippin's shoulder and shook him. "look at that Elf, there. I have heard about an Elven prince in the company of Prince Imrahil. They say that he is so powerful and wise." He said excitedly. Next to Imrahil, rode an elf which was so familiar for Pippin. His golden hair which was in contrast with the others, was moving with the wind and he looked mighty and powerful in his silver shield. Then Pippin's eyes grew wide in recognition. He turned and ran toward the street where the kinsman of Imrahil were passing. He opened his way through the crowd. "my Lord, Finrod! My Lord, Finrod!" he called as loud as he could when he reached the first line of the people.

Finrod's keen ears heard him and he searched the crowd questioningly. Then he saw Pippin, jumping and waving between the crowd and his eyes grew wide. He halted and said something to Imrahil. He then dismounted and rushed to Pippin's side. Pippin looked at him happily. He looked like Niphredil a lot whom Pippin had missed dearly. He came and knelt in front of Pippin.

"you are Pregrein Took from the shire or some spell must have been put on my eyes." Said Finrod and put his hand on Pippin's shoulder.

"I'm really Pregrein Took, my Lord. You are right." Said Pippin.

"You were supposed to go with the fellowship as my sister. Is she here too? Is she fine?" asked Finrod with worried eyes.

"No, my Lord. Niphredil is not here. She is in the land of Rohan with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Merry. Only me and Gandalf are here. But I saw her five days ago and she was fine." Said Pippin.

Finrod sighed in relief and nodded his head. "you said that Mithrandir is here?" he asked then.

Pippin nodded his head. "I'm sure he will come to see you at once." Said Pippin.

Finrod smiled at him. "you made my heart happy, Peregrin Took. I will go to talk with Mithrandir. Wish to come with me? I want to know every news about my sister." Said Finrod.

Pippin turned and saw Bergil was watching them amused. In fact, everyone was amused of the way the great lord of the Elves was treating Pippin. He turned to Finrod again. "with all due respect, first I should say farewell to a friend of mine then I will come and join you and Gandalf." He said.

Finrod nodded and stood. "so I will see you soon, Master Took." He said and mounted his horse and trotted towards the high levels of the city. He was so happy to hear news of his sister. She was fine.


it was sunset. Long shadows had covered the valley of Harrowdale. Merry had stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the lines of tents and camps. 600 riders had joined them around the noon from the Aglarond. They said that an elf with the king's sign had come to their city before the dawn and they had moved towards an hour after dawn because they were prepared to go to war.

Merry sighed. Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli had gone through Dimholt road, a road which the riders was terrified from. He was scared and lonely.

He looked at the sky. The first star shone in the azure sky. Suddenly he heard the sound of horns. He looked at the valley and saw a line of torches entering the valley. He could see a glimpse of silver at the head of the line. His heart was filled with joy. Niphredil was back. Theoden and Eomer came out of the main tent.

Some minutes later, two horses reached the Firienfeld, one of them was brown with a muscular man on top of it, and the other was silver, Lótë.

Merry ran to her. "Niphredil!" called Merry and Niphredil who was dismounting turned to him with a smile. Her face was tired.

"Merry!" he said and hugged back Merry. "I'm glad to see you're back. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli went from the Dimholt road last night." Said Merry.

Something shone in Niphredil's eyes. "Did he? He really went?" she said and stood and gazed at the dark road. A faint smile formed on her lips. "finally he chose to claim his right." she whispered.

"I don't know what has made you happy, my lady. That road is cursed." Said Eomer.

Niphredil looked at him and Theoden and bowed her head slightly. She then turned toward the road again. she put her hands on Merry's shoulder.

"Aragorn should have taken that road to save Gondor and Minas Tirith. We will see our friends on the battlefield in front of the gates of Minas Tirith." She said.

Theoden nodded his head. "you've done a great job, my lady. You must be very tired for you were riding from the day we left Edoras. I think Meriadoc can help you to find food and rest." He said. Niphredil bowed her head and Theoden left with the captain of people of Adron and Eomer.

Niphredil turned to one of the guards. "Please take care of my horse. she had galloped hard for five days." She said. The guard bowed. "I will do my best, my lady. Please don't be worried." He said proudly.

Niprhedil caressed Lótë's mane. "see you soon, my friend." She said and turned to Merry. "do you think you can find something for eating?" she asked.

"well, that is my expertise, my lady. Just go to our tent and leave the rest to the old Merry." said Merry and bowed in showoff and left. Niphredil laughed and then turned toward the gap in the mountain. She walked closer to the gap. "Legolas. Be careful, my love." She whispered.

"they won't come back." Said someone from behind. Niphredil turned and saw Eowyn standing there, staring into the darkness of the road with a solemn face.

"Eowyn." Called Niphredil gently and walked closer to her.

"There is no hope for us." She said again.

"Eowyn. you must have hope. We will do our best to defeat the darkness and see the good days again." said Niphredil.

"you, my lady, not me. I have been ordered to stay here so when the men fall in the battlefield and the fires reached here, I will burn uselessly." She said.

Niphredil looked at her with pity. She had been broken. She went and put her hands on her shoulders and forced her to look in her eyes.

"you may stay here, we may fall at the battlefield, but when the fires reach here, you will not stay still till the fires burn you. you will show them such an end that will remain in the songs. You are a fighter, Eowyn, not a loser. Don't paddle in nihility in vain. Find your ground and fight for it. You will find your way and will see beautiful days, Eowyn shield-maiden of Rohan." She said firmly and saw something glimmered in Eowyn's eyes. The dull lines of her face became firm. Niphredil smiled at her and caressed her cheek. "always smile, Eowyn. you don't know how much you give hope to your people with your beautiful smile." She said and kissed her forehead.

"thank you, Niphredil." said Eowyn.

"you're the most welcome." Said Niprhedil and went to her and Merry's tent.

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