Chapter 47: End of duty, End of everything

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Niphredil had stood at the bow of the ship. Everywhere was in shade of gray, the sky, the ocean. A thick fog had covered everywhere. A light rain was coming. She felt a presence next to her. Legolas and Gimli had come up to the deck. Legolas pulled her into his arms.

"We are so close. I can feel it." said Niphredil quietly. Legolas nodded. he had learned to never doubt about Niphredil's intuitions since the day they had met each other.

Niphredil began to sing. It was a lullaby that her mother used to sing for her when she was a child. She was so excited to see her parents again. Soon more Elves, attracted by her voice, came to the deck. The rain didn't bother any of them.

Suddenly a change happened in the weather. The mist began to fade slowly and the light increased. They all heard a sound of bells and singing of a group of Elves. The accent of the song was odd.

"It's the tongue of Elves of Aman." Said Finrod and squeezed his wife's shoulders and smiled. Suddenly they all saw the light of the sun and it was like the time stopped. They could see the raindrops hovering in the air like diamonds glowing in the sunlight.

"This is beautiful." Whispered Gimli. Niphredil touched a raindrop. It moved easily. She chuckled. And then the curtain of the raindrops went away and they saw it. A bright white tower, standing in the green island and beyond the island, they saw a cleft in Pelori or mountains of Aman and beyond them, the vast green lands. The air smelled like a mix of flower scents. So it was that the last ship reached the island of Tol Eressëa.

As they went ahead they saw the white harbor of the island and crowd of the Elves waiting for them. Niphredil was so excited about seeing Elanill. Legolas took her hand and squeezed it. she looked at him and smiled. Legolas kissed her forehead and smiled back. They were at home.


Elanill was restless. She could see the last ship. Her parents were not in the three previous ships that had anchored from the morning. Her heart was beating fast. Her 2 years old daughter was in her arms and she was looking at the ship excited too. The little one could feel her parent's excitement. Elanill looked at her right where Lenwë had stood with her son in one of his arms and his other arm around her waist. His eyes were shining. He was happy to see his father, Cirdan, again. Elanill looked around her. she could see the excited faces of everyone. Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, her grandparents, Kyros and Kyline with their wives, Gandalf and Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian who were so excited to see her sons after a long time.

The ship reached the harbor and weighed anchor. They put the plank and the Elves walked down. First, a few Elves came down and then it was the turn of the Lords. Elladan and Elrohir, Finrod and Aredhel came down and immediately were surrounded by their parents and children. Then Elanill saw Tauriel and Gimli came down. She let out a cry of joy and ran to them. Gimli and Tauriel saw her and their eyes shone. Soon Elanill was in Tauriel's arms while Gimli had taken Idril, Elanill's daughter in his arms. Elanill hugged him and kissed his white hair. "It's wonderful to see you, uncle." She said with tearful eyes. "I was praying that you come with them."

"I'm so happy too, lassie." Said Gimli while crying freely. "And ooohhhh look at this beautiful one. Is that her twin in your husband's arms?"

"Yes, his name is Gilamor which means ocean blue." Said Elanill. She then turned to the ship and her heart flip-flopped from joy. There had stood her parents, hand in hand, beautiful and graceful. The wind had mingled their Golden and silver hair. They saw her and Niphredil's eyes welled up immediately. They walked down the plank and Elanill ran to them and soon she was in the comforting arms of her mother and her father was caressing her hair.

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