Chapter 19: Talk with the deceiver

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For a moment, everywhere was silent. But then it seemed the light decreased and a shadow covered the sun. Suddenly a fire flamed in front of the gates which circled a hole to the naught and from the whole came forth the cause of Niphredil's nightmares.

Fear crept into the heart of men and some of them wailed and covered their ears, but the elves stood still near their king and under the light of the banner which was shining bright in the shadow with Gandalf the white near them.

The figure of Sauron walked to them. "So finally you came at my doors, Niphredil. you still want to be at the side of the losers? contrary to my last words, I can give you another chance, my love." Said Sauron.

"you will not threaten her. you will talk to me." Said Legolas angrily.

Sauron was silent for a few seconds. "I can see that you have the power of your ancestors, Legolas Green leaf, Prince of Mirkwood and the new king of the Elves. I can see the light of the trees in your eyes." Said Sauron. "Now what do you want to do, my lord? Claim the lordship on the lands of Middle-Earth like your kin? Let me say that it's your right to do so. Look at these mortal men." He said and motioned to the army behind them. "They are nothing compared to Elves. If the king wants, we can work together. I offer you my help. You will do as I say, declare everywhere that you are under my command and I will spare the life of your people. I will let you be my executor. It's seemed that I have lost my last one." He said and looked at the decapitated body of his messenger.

Legolas laughed. His laughter was refreshing in that darkness.

"I'm wondering how Saruman had accepted your leadership and had fallen to your net, Sauron the deceiver. You who have tricked those around you all the time. You who your promises and oaths are nothing more than empty words. It's important to learn from the mistakes of those who have lived before us. We all know what has happened to those who had trusted you. Let me say that I will never do so." Said Legolas.

"So you are refusing my sincere chances for your people. Such a pity." Said Sauron with a faked sadness. "but what the heirs of the other realms of the Elves think? Are you, the next Lords of your realms which are more powerful than Mirkwood, going to follow this king? A king whose kingship has not officially announced."

One look to Elladan and Elrohir was enough to know their answer. their looks sent daggers toward Sauron. Finrod rode and stood next to Legolas. "I, Finrod Cuthalion, the heir of Lothlorien, will announce my sincere fidelity to my king. Lothlorien will do as King Legolas orders."

Elladan and Elrohir too rode and stood on the other side of Legolas. "Imladris says the same."

Legolas held his head up proudly. "I'm only talking to you right now for behalf of Valar, for they had made me their messenger. this is the message of Valar: They want you to don't continue the way of your master, Melkor, and compromise yourself. You then will be sent to Valinor to be judged by the Valar for your foul actions." Said Legolas.

Sauron began to laugh. Such a malicious and poisonous laughter which sent shivers down the Elves' spine. The men pressed their palms to their ears and closed their eyes tight.

"Such a fool they are," said Sauron. "now listen to me. I will break you like a piece of glass and soon I will gain all of my power and even more. I will bring back my master once more and together will show you, idiots, that who is the most powerful master of this universe."

"So you have chosen war." Said Gandalf.

"the war that you have no chance in it. tell me... Mithrandir, is your heart in peace now that you know what doom you have sent that Halfling to?" said Sauron and silenced Gandalf. "But for you King Legolas, I have a special plan. I will keep you alive, force you to see the one you love the most dying slowly and begging you to help her, and you have to only watch and do nothing and burn from inside for your useless being, cursed forever." he spat.

Legolas' hands balled into fists. he knew that he was talking about Niphredil. "I won't let you lay a finger on her." he said angrily.

"such a great lover. I would like to see you try." said Sauron.

"we heard enough." said Niphredil.

"So I will show you no mercy. I will show you such a pain that you will long for Mandos's halls, Niphredil Elentary." Said Sauron angrily and he vanished like wind and the Gates began to open and the great force of Mordor marched forward.

"retreat!" said Legolas and they turned and galloped to their army.

Niphredil could see a great horror in the eyes of the soldiers. "Hold your ground! Hold your ground." shouted the Captains to their frightened soldiers.

"he didn't compromise as we have expected." Said Legolas to Aragorn who nodded. everyone except Aragorn dismounted.

Aragorn galloped in front of the lines of the soldiers. "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!" he yelled. "I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of Men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

The spirit of courage and hope raised in the army by his words.

"you stood great in front of that devil, laddie. It was scary." Said Gimli to Legolas. "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf."

"What about side by side with a friend?" said Legolas with a smile.

"Aye." Said Gimli and smiled back.

Niphredil turned to Finrod. "If something happened to me, I have left something with Faramir son of Denethor in Minas Tirith. You should see it as soon as possible." She whispered in his ear.

"Niphredil!" said Finrod worried.

Niphredil smiled. "I love you, my dear brother." She said.

Finrod smiled at her sadly. "I love you too, little one. I'm proud of you." he said.

The host of the Mordor circled them soon. Their number was nothing compared to the enemy.

Legolas took Niphredil's hand in his. "Niphredil!" he said with concern. "I wished you were not here."

"then I would've died in the Minas Tirith from sadness and concern." Replied Niphredil.

"I love you." said Legolas. "I love you too, Legolas." Said Niphredil and drew her sword.

Aragorn turned to them. "For Frodo." he said and ran toward the enemy. Merry and Pippin cried and ran after him, soon followed by the others. So started the great battle of their time.

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