Chapter 38: The trouble begins

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"But this is not fair, uncle." Protested Elanill. "Mother will have her anniversary soon. I want to be with her."

Elanill was in Lorien for the whole winter. One year had passed since she had seen Lenwë and they had only met two times and each time for a few hours, for Lenwë was too busy to do what king Legolas had ordered him. He didn't tell her what it was and called it a secret order.

Elanill had missed him so much. This departure was so painful for her. When she saw that she is restless in Greenwood, she came to Lorien, but now as a few days had remained till the end of the winter, his uncle didn't let her go back, although almost everyone was leaving for the party after the anniversary.

"You must stay here, Elanill. This is your father's order. You should learn to obey the orders of your king." Said Finrod sternly. He knew this order was because Legolas had become extremely worried. He wanted to keep his daughter as safe as possible.

"But everyone is going. Why should I stay?" insisted Elanill.

Finrod put his hands on her shoulders. "My dear, just know that there is something behind this that you know nothing about. It's for your own safety." Said Finrod, trying to convince her, but Elanill stepped back angrily.

"Secret, secret. Everyone is hiding something from me, even Lenwë. I hate this. I'm a grown woman." She said and turned away from Finrod. She was in her mother's room when she lived in Lothlorien. She went to the balcony and stared at the silver line of the river.

Finrod looked at her compassionately. She had the right to act like this. She was not a child.

"Elanill." He called and stood behind her. She turned. Her eyes were teary. Finrod hugged his dear niece.

"I don't know why, but I'm so afraid of this secret. I know that it's related to me." said Elanill.

Finrod caressed her golden curls. "Everything will be okay, Elanill. Trust us." Said Finrod softly.

Elanill looked at him for a few seconds and then nodded. "I just don't want anyone hurts because of me." she said quietly.

"No one will, sweetheart. I promise." Said Finrod and smiled reassuringly.

"Alright. I will stay here." Said Elanill and hugged him again.


Legolas checked Niphredil's temperature for the hundredth time on that day. Niprhedil was in her bed, covered by a blanket. Usually, the effects would start on the day of the anniversary. Less than two weeks had remained to her anniversary, but she seemed so pale and weak. Elanill's absence had made her conditions even worse. "Legolas please, I'm fine." She said.

"You don't look fine, lassie. Give him the right for being worried." Said Gimli. He had come to Greenwood last week. His white hair had a few strands of dark brown between them. He had lost his wife last year and he was passing most of his time in Greenwood since then.

"I'm just very stressed. That's it," she said.

"You need to control your stress and save your energy for your anniversary." Said Thranduil who had sat at the other side of the bed and was looking at her with worried eyes.

Niphredil sighed and closed her eyes and leaned on the pillows, but just then the door burst open and Tauriel rushed inside. Legolas and Thranduil jumped on their feet instantly and Gimli stood warily. Niphredil's heart was hammering in her chest and she clenched Legolas' hand in hers.

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