Chapter 33: Elanill Mallorn

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It was late at night. Legolas had held a big party because of the hobbits and they had also seen Thranduil and Tauriel. Many stories were told and they had a good day.

The hobbits were all asleep except Frodo. He was walking in the beautiful halls, marveling their beauty. He didn't know, but his legs took him to the upper levels with each step.

At last, he reached a door. Two guards who were guarding the door, bowed to Frodo when he went close. The moonlight was fell into the hall through the door. He passed through it and stepped on the hall's roof. A soft night breeze welcomed him as he stood on the roof. Frodo looked around and suddenly saw her.

Standing there, under the cold moonlight was Niphredil Elentary. Her hair was illuminating the moonlight. Her azure cloak had doubled the effect of her hair. An aura of serenity was around her. Frodo smiled at her. She felt his presence and turned around and smiled at him. "come closer, Frodo Baggins. From here you can see places that you have heard about them a lot." She said.

Frodo walked and stood next to her. The sky was clear and he could see miles away. Under his foot was a sea of trees, covering the ground for miles, but suddenly they ended and he could see the silver line of the river, flowing on gray lands. It went until it poured into a lake which seemed like a small piece of jewel under the moonlight. He could see a few lights in the lake town.

A few miles to the north, he could see the lights of the city of Dale, on top of a hill and a little more to the north, the great lonely mountain had stood there in its glory.

"There is where Bilbo had fought almost seventy years ago." Said Frodo quietly and pointed to the lonely mountain and suddenly a great sadness fell on his heart because of the absence of the old hobbit.

He felt Niphredil's hand on his shoulder and looked up. "He is where he likes a lot. It's like a new adventure for him. He is fine." she said.

Frodo nodded. he was sure that Bilbo likes where he is. Besides, Gandalf had promised to take care of him. he was in good hands.

"Tell me how is your scar? You still feel pain?" asked Niphredil concerned.

Frodo touched his shoulder where he had been stabbed seven years ago. "If I say no I have lied. I still feel pain, but only on the anniversary of the day that I have been stabbed. Although with the help of my dear Sarah It's not as bad as the past." Answered Frodo.

"And the weight of the Ring?" asked Niphredil.

Frodo stared at Niphredil's brown eyes. He knew she could read his mind and feelings. He looked ahead. "sometimes when I'm alone I still can feel it, like a shadow that falls on my mind. Its great weight that bent my shoulders." He said and then a smile formed on his lips. "But it never lasts for long. My little Bilbo is always around to mess up my life and bring me out of my dark thoughts." He said and laughed at remembering a beautiful memory from his lovely son. Niphredil laughed as well. She could feel his great love toward his family.

"He and Sarah are my lights in the dark. My life had no meaning without them. They are the only things that have kept me alive. I think I couldn't survive even if I had gone to the west. I owe all of this to you, my lady." Said Frodo.

Niphredil smiled. "I'm glad about it." she said and looked above at the moon. Frodo gazed at her. her beautiful silver hair was moving brightly under the light. Emerald leaves, the sign of Legolas Greenleaf, were shining on her chest.

"Do you want to go to my pond?" asked Niphredil and looked at Frodo.

"I've heard about its beauty a lot today. I like to see it." answered Frodo. "but do you think it's alright for you?" he bit his lip and looked at her swollen belly with concern.

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