Chapter 18: In front of the Black Gates

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The journey to the Black Gates would take 7 days. Ever and anon Gandalf let blow the trumpets, and the heralds would cry: 'The Lords of Gondor are come! Let all leave this land or yield them up!' But Imrahil said: 'Say not The Lords of Gondor. Say The King Elessar. For that is true, even though he has not yet sat upon the throne; and it will give the Enemy more thought, if the heralds use that name.' And thereafter thrice a day the heralds proclaimed the coming of the King Elessar. But none answered the challenge.

With each passing day, Niphredil's anxiety increased. She could feel Frodo's weakness every day. The effect of the Ring had become so much for Frodo and he had her pendant in his hand all the time. All she could do for him was giving him power to stand against the Ring and doing so take a lot of energy from her. As much as they went closer to Mordor she became weaker. She was trying to not show any feeling under the watchful eyes of Legolas, Finrod, and Gandalf who were fearful for her life as they come to the end of all the things.

Eomer was riding near her most of the times. He had accepted that she couldn't be with her. Back in Minas Tirith, he didn't go near her, for she was always with her kin and Legolas was always around her. In his heart, he was so sad, but if he couldn't have her, at least he could make sure to keep her safe.

Gandalf had refused to go from the path of Cirith Ungol. When Imrahil suggested going from that way he had spoken against it urgently, because of the evil that dwelt in the valley, where the minds of living men would turn to madness and horror, and because also of the news that Faramir had brought. For if the Ring-bearer had indeed attempted that way, then above all they should not draw the Eye of Mordor thither.

So time and the hopeless journey wore away. Upon the sixth day from Minas Tirith they came at last to the end of the living lands, and began to pass into the desolation that lay before the gates of the Pass of Cirith Gorgor, and they could descry the marshes and the desert that stretched north and west to the Emyn Muil.

As the morning of the seventh day came the wind began to stir again, but now it came from the North, and soon it freshened to a rising breeze. North amid their noisome pits lay the first of the great heaps and hills of slag and broken rock and blasted earth, the vomit of the maggot-folk of Mordor; but south and now near loomed the great rampart of Cirith Gorgor, and the Black Gate amidmost, and the two Towers of the Teeth tall and dark upon either side. For in their last march the Captains had turned away from the old road as it bent east, and avoided the peril of the lurking hills, and so now they were approaching the Morannon from the northwest.

The two vast iron doors of the Black Gate under its frowning arch were fast closed. Upon the battlement, nothing could be seen. All was silent but watchful. They were come to the last end of their folly, and stood forlorn and chill in the grey light of early day before towers and walls which their army could not assault with hope, not even if it had brought thither engines of great power, and the Enemy had no more force than would suffice for the manning of the gate and wall alone. Yet they knew that all the hills and rocks about the Morannon were filled with hidden foes, and the shadowy defile beyond was bored and tunneled by teeming broods of evil things. And as they stood they saw all the Nazgûl gathered together, hovering above the Towers of the Teeth like vultures; and they knew that they were watched. But still, the Enemy made no sign.

The elves all gathered behind Legolas. Finrod was holding the spear which had the banner of the high king on it, still wrapped in a cloth. Merry was riding with Niphredil and Pippin with Gandalf and Gimli with Legolas.

Everyone was anxious. "Where are they?" asked Merry quietly.

"I think we must do something." Said Niphredil to Gandalf who looked at Aragorn. Aragorn nodded and galloped toward the Gates followed by Gandalf, Imrahil, Eomer and the Elves.

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