Chapter 6: To Gondor

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It was an hour remains to dawn. Niphredil had stood at the edge of the cliff in her silver night dress. The wind was blowing from the South-East and moving the hem of her dress. She looked up and in the South-East direction. The world was darkling. The stars were veiling slowly. Soon she saw some sort of clouds, brown and menacing riding with the wind, and covering the sky. the horses nighed uneasily. Niphredil closed her eyes. Her heart was so heavy. She felt her power leaving her slowly.

Eomer came out of his tent. He looked above. Overhead there hung a heavy roof, somber and featureless, and the light seemed rather to be failing than growing. Then he looked forward. Niphredil was standing there. Illuminating with a faint pure and silver gleam. The wind was moving her dress and hair. The only light in that dark world. He went closer to her.

"the witchcraft of Mordor." He said and she turned to him. she was pale and looked unhealthy and sad. Eomer wanted to run to her and engulf her in his arm, but he knew better to not to.

Niphredil turned toward the East again. "the war will start soon at the fields of Pelennor. It has already started in Ithilien and Osgiliath, they are losing." She said worriedly. "we will be late. I hope they stand until we reach them."

Eomer dropped his head. She must have been worried about Legolas. He had not seen anything intimating between the two Elves, but Gimli had said something going on between the two and the way they looked and talked to each other had made Eomer realize the love between them. He looked at Niphredil. she was standing alone.

Eomer took a deep breath. Legolas was not there for now, so he could try at least. He went and stood behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him and he smiled at her. "we will be there in time. I'm sure your King Legolas will be fine." He said to her. Niphredil smiled weakly. "It's not only Legolas that I'm worried about." She said and turned toward East with worried eyes.

"Finrod is there too. He is fighting alongside Prince Imrahil from Dol Amroth. He had gone there for long and I don't have any news of him. Gandalf and Pippin are in Minas Tirith as well." she said quietly. She had missed her brother so much.

"whose Finrod?" asked Eomer.

Niprhedil smiled. "he is my brother. I'm sorry, I forget to introduce him." she said. Eomer nodded his head in understanding.

Niphredil sighed and went and sat on a bench, not too far. Eomer went and sat beside her. "you should sleep, my lady." He said gently.

"I can't." replied Niphredil. she still had a problem for sleeping. In three days till reaching Dunharrow, it was Legolas who was helping her to sleep. But he was not there anymore. Niphredil could easily feel his absence. She had gotten too used to his safe and comfortable presence.

"can I do anything?" Offered Eomer in order to have a chance to help the woman he loved.

Niphredil looked at his face and smiled warmly. "don't be worried for me, Eomer son of Eomund. I will be fine. I'm an elf. Not sleeping for days won't be a problem for me." She said and looked at the mournful sky. "in fact, It's another thing which is killing me." She whispered. She then stood. "I'm going to change. It's already dawn. We should move soon." She then bowed and left Eomer. Eomer stared at her place near him. he could still smell her soothing scent. He sighed and dropped his head. He had two problems. She was and Elf and her heart had belonged to someone else.


Merry had stood next to his pony. He had worn the shield and helmet that Lady Eowyn had given him. "We must ride light and swift." Merry heard Theoden and soon saw him riding toward him with one of his Captains. "It is a long road ahead. And man and beast must reach the end with the strength to fight." Said Theoden. He then saw Merry beside his pony. "Little Hobbits do not belong in war, Master Meriadoc."

"All my friends have gone to battle. I would be ashamed to be left behind." Objected Merry.

"It is a three-day gallop to Minas Tirith. And none of my riders can bear you as a burden." Said Theoden.

"I want to fight." Said Merry sadly.

"I will say no more." Said Theoden and rode away and left the depressed Merry alone.

"Merry!" called Niphredil and Merry raised his head. Niphredil had mounted Lótë and trotted toward him. "A pony can't take you to Minas Tirith. You will ride with me, My friend. Lótë will take us both." She said and stretched her hand which Merry took happily. Niphredil hauled him up and helped him to sit in front of her.

"for one second I thought I will be left behind." Said Merry.

"go to the war without the brave Brandybuck? We would certainly lose." Said Niphredil and patted his shoulder fondly. She could feel Merry's happiness and that made her heart warm a little.

"Form up! Move out!" yelled Eomer as they galloped to out of the valley

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"Form up! Move out!" yelled Eomer as they galloped to out of the valley. "Form up! Move out! Ride! Ride now to Gondor!" and with that, the great host of Rohan galloped toward Gondor. Niphredil was praying they reach there in time.

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