Chapter 46: Into the west

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Legolas had sat on a chair next to Niphredil's bed. From the morning when she had gotten impaled by Eldarion, she had only opened her eyes once. Legolas' head was covered with his hands.

Someone knocked at the door and Tauriel came into the room. The soothing scent of Athelas filled her nostrils as she entered. She saw Legolas and immediately become sad when she saw him like that. She hated to see him this desperate.

Legolas raised his head and smiled weakly. "Tauriel!" he said.

Tauriel bowed and walked closer. She looked at sleeping Niphredil. "How is she?" she asked quietly. "Her breathing is back to normal. She is fighting." He said and caressed her cheek lovingly. "She is going to be fine. I think she will open her eyes tomorrow."

Tauriel nodded. "I've sent messengers as you ordered to Lorien and Imladris." She said. "Everyone will gather in Imladris in three weeks and will wait for us there."

"And our own people?" asked Legolas.

"We announced everywhere. People were happy to hear it. They don't feel safe here. We can leave in two days." Answered Tauriel.

"That's good." Said Legolas and leaned on the back of the chair and sighed. He had ordered all the Elves to gather in Imladris so they could leave for gray havens together from there. The last journey of the Elves.

"Do you think Niphredil can bear this journey? Her wound is still fresh." Asked Tauriel worriedly.

Legolas looked at Niphredil. Color had come back to her cheeks a little. "Yes, she will. It's better we leave here as soon as possible." He said.

Tauriel nodded and looked at Legolas' weary face. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Rest, my Lord. You need it." she said.

Legolas nodded and stood. "Goodnight, Tauriel. Thank you for your help." Said Legolas.

"Goodnight, Legolas." Said Tauriel and then left the room.

Legolas changed his clothes and then lied down on the bed next to Niphredil as close as he didn't hurt Niphredil. He put his hand on her bandaged wound and let his power to flow in her again. "I'm sorry, Niphredil." he said and then kissed her temple. "I failed to protect you again. but this will never happen ever again. Just wake up soon. We are leaving here forever. I'm sure you want to see your pond one more time for the last time."

He tried to sleep, but the memory of that morning when Niphredil was impaled by Eldarion wouldn't be wiped from his mind. It was like a nightmare. He took Niphredil's hand and finally, after hours, he fell into sleep.


"Legolas!" Legolas opened his eyes at hearing the most beautiful voice in his world. Niphredil's eyes were open and she was looking at him with her mesmerizing eyes. It was like a dream. Legolas caressed her soft cheek and got closer to her side. He captured her lips gently and kissed her as his life depended on it. Soon he was hovering over her with his hands on both sides of her head trying to not put any pressure on her wound.

They finally pulled away after Legolas felt a little satisfied and he leaned his forehead on Niphredil's and closed his eyes. "Promise." Whispered Legolas.

"Promise what?" asked Niphredil.

"To never do what you did yesterday. To never put your life in danger because of me." said Legolas. "Do you know what I should go through?"

"I'm sorry for making you worried again,"  Said Niprhedil. "but I can't promise, cause you are my life. The reason that I can still breathe."

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