Chapter 29: A gift for proposal

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Two weeks had passed since Niphredil told Gandalf about the tree. Lorien was more crowded than ever. A group of Elves had come from Imladris to move toward Minas Tirith.

Niphredil was sad. The Elves of Greenwood the great should have been joined them by now, but news had come four days ago that king Legolas had something to do and so they will come a little late. She had not seen him for more than two months and her heart was longing for him. She had missed being in his arms.

On a beautiful morning, when the birds were singing happily, Niphredil was in her favorite place near Nimrodel. She had sat on the root of a tree that had loomed over water and had gone into the it. She had put one of her feet into the water and splashing water forward, singing the Nimrodel song for herself.

She felt a pair of eyes on her back and looked behind. What she saw made her stomach flip-flopped. Legolas had stood there with a beautiful smile on his lips. "I never get tired of hearing your beautiful voice, my love." Said Legolas.

Niphredil stood and straightened her dress and stepped on the green grass. "I have missed you a lot, Niphredil." said Legolas and stepped closer. As he took his first step forward, Niphredil took a step backward. Legolas halted. "Niphredil!" He said surprised and frowned. "what's wrong?"

"So you have missed me a lot? That is why you came so soon then." Said Niphredil and folded her arms in front of her chest.

"You know that I was really busy." Said Legolas and began to walk closer.

"Don't you dare to come closer, Legolas Greenleaf." Said Niphredil and walked backward.

Legolas smirked devilishly. "and what if I do, my love?" He said and quickened his pace.

"Then I have to .... Ouch." As Niprhedil was talking her back hit a tree trunk. In a Second Legolas was standing in front of her and had put his hands on each side of her head. Their faces were inches away from each other.

"I didn't hear you correctly, my lady. What you wanted to do?" whispered Legolas and peered into Niphredil's beautiful eyes. He was dying to kiss his beautiful love. He had missed her a lot and wanted to come and see her as soon as possible, but he had to go to his last destination and do something that was very important for him.

"I don't know. My mind doesn't work when you are this close to me." Said Niphredil while laughing a bit and put her both hands on Legolas' chest and tried to push him back, but he was so stronger than her so he didn't move even a bit.

Instead, he brought his face closer to Niphredil so their lips were almost touching. His warm breath was faning her face, sending shivers down her spine. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled deeply in her devine scent. He kissed her neck gently and smiled when he heard her breath hitched and her grip on his shoulders tightened. He kissed his way up to her face again watching her shivering under him with closed eyes.

"That's good. Very good indeed." He said and then closed the gap and kissed Niphredil with such a passion that could fill the heart of everyone in Middle Earth and beyond with utter joy.

Niprhedil put her hands around his neck and pulled him closer. She wanted to cry and shout from happiness at the same time. Legolas' hold around her waist became tighter. He wanted this moment to never ever end. She was his whole life. The last two months were the hardest ever. Every night he saw her in his dreams, but she always was distant and he couldn't reach her. She tasted fantastic, smelled great. He groaned in the kiss and kissed her deeper.

When they finally pulled away because of lack of air, He buried his nose in her soft and silky hair and breathed deeply in her fantastic scent.

"Only Eru himself knows how much I have missed you. It was killing me to be apart from you, Niphredil." he said and then peered into her eyes. They were teary.

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