Author: ElfOfResilience
Name: Kairos Quinn
Age: 17
Sex: Male
District: Capitol
Physical Description: Kairos likes to take advantage of the hair dye in the Capitol; his current hair is short, light pink. With thin brown eyes and a defined jaw, Kairos was lucky when puberty hit him. Tall, slightly muscular and well fed, Kairos knows that he has a nice body. Yet, he still wishes he didn't have the baby face he has, the cute look.
Personality: Kairos may be seen as spoiled from a distance, born into money and, like his name suggests, luck, but really he's just unhappy. He doesn't like anything he has - he wants to be normal, just to dye his hair and be happy. He over works himself to be intelligent and good looking, but he's crippling in depression underneath the surface.
Background: Kairos was born into a lot of money, but he doesn't use it on anything other than hair dye. His parents are overly successful, owning fashion businesses all over the Capitol. Kairos is always seen as ungrateful not wanting the free clothes he gets, but he doesn't care. He once tried to run away from home to live the life of a peasant, but when he was returned he was just called ungrateful and stupid.
Reaction: He didn't care. It was almost jinxed; he contemplated volunteering just so he could live the life of a happy person, a winner or not.
Strengths: Kairos wouldn't describe himself as a strong person, despite having strengths. Kairos is great at teamwork, but can also work alone. He knows how to tame and befriend a select number of animals, and he's great at hiding, especially in obvious places.
Weaknesses: His mindset is his biggest weakness. He's always so put down; his family expect to be pleased when he performs any action, and he doesn't want to be tied to his parents when in the games. He also isn't very good at basic human things, such as cooking and building things, so if he is alone, he'll be living off of stolen goods for a while.
Weapons: Scissors. An interest in hairdressing has given him accuracy with scissors, so he'd use them to attack others.
Token: None.
Wish: To be left alone. To be happy. Just to lead a normal life if he gets out. A life without his parents, without money and the spotlight. Just an average job in hairdressing, a few pets and maybe a pretty girlfriend.
Writer Games | Death Wish & 51
AventureWriter Games: Death Wish: last updated July 26 2015 Writer Games: 51: last updated December 5 2015