chapter 45

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"No I'm not crazy" I said smirking at Ty "how did you know I was thinking that?" "I could tell by your expression" "ok but what if he tries to bite? You can't do anything." My smile dropped and all the joy and playfulness was gone.

"Oh ,Hailey I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Ty reached for me but I stepped away "dont worry about it. Its fine." I heard Ty sigh "fine" I looked up at him confused "what?" "I'll do it, I'll go into patches pen."

I smiled but it was sorrowful. " you don't have to do this if you don't want to I'm not forcing you to do anything" "I'm not doing because you said something I'm doing it because you have faith in him so I should too ." "thanks for giving him a chance" "no problem." Ty continued mucking the stalls and I kept quiet for the most part.

Once he was done I grabbed a lead and halter from the tack shed and we went out to see patches.

"Wow he looks miserable" I said standing outside Patches pasture. "Yeah, but you can't blame him he's been stuck in there alone" "well then lets change that" I said cheerfully jumping off the rail I was standing on and walking over to the gate. I opened it and motioned for Ty to follow.

Together we made our way to where patches stood in the middle of his pen. "Hey boy, how are you?" I said gently when we were a couple feet from him. Patches ear flew back and he bared his teeth. Ty went to reach for my but I moved out of reach. Taking a step back I spoke calmly "hey handsome, its ok we aren't here to hurt you" I held my hand out for him to sniff. "Its me, I know its been a long time since we've been together."

Patches bared his teeth again but I didn't move. Then he pawed the ground. "Hailey, what are you doing move" Ty said from behind me but I didn't listen. "Hailey. Move now." "No" "if you don't he'll hurt you" "no. He won't" "Hailey move before he charges."

I didn't move, I could tell patches was getting more irritated but if I moved he would get what he wanted and there is no way in hell that I was gonna let that happen.

Patches continued to paw the ground but didn't move toward me. So I move toward him. Still holding my hand out I stepped closer to him. "Hailey!! What the Hell are you doing?!" I didn't answer. Patches reared pounding the ground when he came down, trying to scare me off. 

When it didn't work he snapped his teeth. I had had enough "hey!" I snapped "do not do that." I walked forward "Hailey what the hell!?" "you do not snap at me mister" "Hailey!" "Ty shut up. your not helping the situation." I saw Ty mock me out the corner of my eye. 

'he's so childish' I  thought laughing inside. I focused back on Patches "now, Patches come here." He didn't move which is what I was expecting, so I walked closer. And didn't stop. He pinned his ears back flat and nickered a warning but I didn't take it. When I was only a couple steps away  he stepped forward still trying to intimidate me. 

He leaned forward and tried to bite me. "No sir!" I said sternly "you do NOT bite."  I stepped closer to the point where I could touch his nose if he let me. He pawed the ground some more and kept his ears back. 

I continued to walk closer hoping I wasn't doing something that would get me in the hospital and Patches in the ground. I was now right in front of him and within biting range and I had no way to get away fast enough. 

I stood staring into his face holding my ground as best I could. He stared back his face only inches from mine. I reached my hand out and held it under his nose. 'please let this work, please' Patches ears were still pinned back but he breathed in my sent then snorted. I flinched but didn't move away. 

I closed my eyes hoping for the best. Then I felt a warn soft muzzle press into my hand. I opened my eyes and Patches was leaning into my hand.

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