Chapter 57

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I heard the unmistakable sound of crushing bones. I flinched into Ty hiding my face more. Then Ty gently grabbed my arm and turned me around. What I saw made my stomach turn and I felt sick. Just a few feet from where we stood was the mutilated body of the mountain lion. I could see the hoof prints that Patches hooves left in the lions stomach. My stomach lurched, from fear as well as disgust, and I fell to my knees, doubled over. Ty dropped down next to me and I sat there, tears streaming uncontrollably down my face. Then a soft muzzle nudged my shoulder. I didn't look up, another nudge this time more demanding. I looked up into Patches brown eyes and found something I never expected. Love. I smiled and reached my hand up to pet him but he back up.

My smile fell and I dropped my head. "I understand boy" I said before a large tongue licked my face. "Hey" I laughed, Ty laughed too. I looked back at Patches and I could of sworn he was smiling at me. I reached my hand out again but this time he pushed his nose into my palm. "Thats my boy" I said scratching his forehead.

I stood and grabbed the halter I had dropped, then walked over to Patches. He looked at me then at the halter and back to me. I smiled and nodded "its ok boy. You can trust me." He looked at the halter again before stepping forward and bowing his head.

I slid the halter over his head and fastened it. "Good boy." I scratched behind Patches ear before grabbing the lead. I began walking toward the gate but was stopped when Patches didn't move. "What's wrong boy?" He stomped his foot. I looked at Ty, he just shrugged. I turned back to the horse and walked up to him. I ran my hand down his nose "what is it baby?" I asked again, I was answered with a gentle head but then a head throw toward his back. I looked at him confused then at Ty. He nudged me again then threw his head back. "What is it?" I asked walking to his side and running my had down His spin. "I don't see anything wrong." Ty walked up to Patches and looked into his eyes. The horse bobbed his head and Ty mimicked him. "I think he wants you to get on" "what? How do you know?" I asked scepticly "I don't know, I just do" I looked at Patches "is that it?" I asked not expecting an answer. He bobbed his head, like 'yes' I smiled "alright then, Ty can you give me a hand?" "Sure."

Ty help me up on to Patches back but before he could back up, Patches swung his head around and bumped Ty. "Hey dude stop that" he said, I laughed "looks like he wants you to ride too" Ty shook his head "no I don't think he does." He went to walk away but Patches knocked him over "HEY" he said throwing his hands in the air "I said stop." Patches threw his head again like he did to me. I laughed "come on, listen to the horse" Ty glared at Patches. "Fine."

He jumped on behind me, once he was on patches stared walking toward the gate. "I told you he was a good horse" Ty said as we rode, I looked at him "really? I told you that." He just smiled and kissed my head. I rolled my eyes and turned forward again, sat back, and enjoyed the ride.

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