Chapter 40

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"yeah, I'm fine" Hailey said eyes down cast. I knew she was lying but I didn't say anything. I just placed my hand under her chin and tilted her head up. Which was a big mistake.

Hailey stepped back from me quickly and her breathing became labored. 'shit, she's having an episode" I thought "what the hell did they do to her." 

"Hailey? whats wrong?" I said worried. I stepped toward her reaching for her hand. She looked up at me with fearful eyes "no, don't touch me leave me alone" she yelled stepping back again. But she lost her footing and fell to the ground. "Hailey, its me Ty, I'm not going to hurt you." 

I took another step forward, but Hailey scurried backwards. "no, get away" she screamed "don't touch me you evil son of a bitch." I flinched, even tho it wasn't me she was angry, it still stung. 

I got down on the ground and slowly crawled toward her. "Hailey" I said quietly "Hailey, it's me Ty, I'm sorry I scared you and caused you to relive the pain from before but I didn't mean too. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm trying to help you calm down." 

Hailey moved back more, fear radiated off of her. I hurt me knowing that I was the one who caused this. "Hailey, please, calm down. Your safe, I promise." She looked at me doubtfully but didn't move further back.

I slowly moved closer, trying not to scare her more. When I was right next to her I reached out and touched her hand. She flinched but didn't move other wise. Then I grabbed her hand and held it. I looked up at her to see if she was calming down but she was looking at our hands.

She looked up a second later and blushed. I smiled at her and she smiled back but it fell. I breathed a sigh of relief. Hailey was finally back, well kinda. "you ok?" I asked, she nodded "yeah." 

I stood up and held my hand out "ok then lets go inside" "ok." Hailey took my hand and I pulled her up but when she tried to pull her hand away I wouldn't let her. She looked up at me confused but I didn't answer the silent question.

"are you ok?" she asked. 'no, I'm not I'm pissed off at the people who caused you so much pain that little thing throw you into panic attacks.' "yeah, I'm fine just a little shaken" "oh, ok."

We walked back to the house in silence. When we walked in the door the smell of food flooded my nose. "mmmmmm" I mumbled. "hey guys" Amy said "dinners almost done, you should go wash up" "alright" Hailey said walking out of the kitchen.

 'I should tell Amy about what just happened' I thought "Ty, why are you still in here?" Amy asked "is everything ok?" "oh yeah" "ok then go wash up" "ok" I said walking toward the exit but I stopped. 

"uh, Amy?" "yeah?" "I need to tell you something." Amy turned around and looked at me confused and worried. "what is it?" "um, when Hailey and I were outside, just before we came in, Hailey had an episode" I said looking at the floor "what!? what happened is she ok?" "yeah she fine" "ok but what caused it?" I looked at the ground and fidgeted.

"Ty, what caused Hailey's panic attack?" "I... I don't know" "Ty, stop lying and tell me" "I... I'm not lying" "yes you are" "how do you know?" "you stutter and act like a child when you lie" "I do not." Amy raised an eyebrow "ok fine I do act childish" "yep, now what caused Hailey's panic attack?"

 I sighed and Amy smiled knowing she had won "I did" I mumbled "you did? how, what did you do?" "Nothing, I just tilted her head up so I could see her eyes and she freaked out." Amy sighed "alright" she paused "I didn't want to do this but she's not getting any better" "do what?" "I'm gonna make Hailey a psychiatrist appointment" "oh ok, but do you think she'll talk?" "no, but we need to see whats going on and how to fix it." 

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