Chapter 22

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I sat in the next to Hailey's bed just watching her waiting for her to wake up. Hoping for her to wake up. Its been 2 months since Hailey was rescued and she hasn't shown any sign of waking up. 'what if she never wakes up' I thought 'what if she never wakes up, then what?' I fought my depressing thoughts trying to think of something happy. It didn't work. My thoughts kept pressing in and I couldn't take it anymore. Tears began to flow and I looked up at Hailey. She looked peaceful. I reached up and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry, Hailey" I said more tears felling down my face. "I'm so sorry." I laid me head on the mattress still crying and mumbling 'I'm sorry.' 

I sat like that for a bit, until I heard a small raspy voice say "Ty?" I jumped from my seat dropping Hailey's hand. I looked to her face and she was looking back at me."Hailey?" I was confused at first then it hit me "Hailey your awake!" I said happily. I grabbed her hand and kissed. New tears began to well up behind my eyes but I held them back. I ran to the door and found the closest nurse a couple doors down. "please get Dr.Miller" I told her "what for?" she asked "just tell him Hailey is awake." She just nodded and walked away. I walked back to Hailey's room and a minute later doctor Miller and the nurse walked in. 

The nurse carried a tray of food that I was sure was for Hailey. She walked to one side of the bed and pulled the table out setting the tray on it. She then handed Hailey a glass of water. "thank you for letting me know she was wake, but you have to leave now" said Dr.Miller. I was about to argue when Hailey spoke. "no" she said, her voice still horse. Dr. Miller and I both turned to her. I was surprised she didn't want me gone but happy cuz didn't want to leave. "I'm sorry Hailey but he can't be in here while I'm examining you" Dr.Miller said, my mood dropped a bit knowing Hailey wouldn't argue anymore and that she would remember she hated me, "and you can't examine me till I'm done eating, so until I'm done I want him to stay here." I looked to her with surprise. I thought she would of given up, would of remembered that she didn't want anything to do with me. Dr. Miller looked to the nurse then back to Hailey. "ok but as soon as your done eating he has to leave" he said "I'm fine with that." Dr. Miller nodded then left. The nurse helped Hailey sit up, smiled at her warmly then left. I looked back at Hailey and she smiled at me. I could tell she was trying to hide the pain she felt but it didn't work, I could read her too well.

I stood awkwardly where I was staring at my shoes not knowing what to do. I haven't talked to her for months. Hailey cleared her throat. I looked up and she nodded to the chair. The motion proved to be to much for her and she fell back. I ran to the bed and grabbed her hand. She came to a second later but that didn't ease my worry. Hailey looked up at me with a small smile. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. "I'm fine" she said. I looked over her assuring myself that she really was fine. When I was satisfied I sat down in the chair. Hailey tried to sit back up but couldn't. She laid back and didn't move for a bit I began to think she passed out again. She then looked over at me and smiled "do you mind helping me?" she asked "oh sure" I said jumping up quickly. I gently placed my hand under her shoulder. She winced, and I pulled my hand back right away. I watch Hailey  concern and regret painted on my face. After a bit she looked up at me "I'm fine" she said "you didn't hurt me." I didn't believe her. "Ty, I promise you didn't hurt me." I stared at her for a second then went back to the edge of the bed. I placed my  hand back under her shoulder, being very careful as to not hurt her again, and helped her up. Once Hailey was sitting up I sat back in the chair and watched as she pulled the table closer and grabbed a cinnamon roll off the tray.

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