Chapter 1

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Hey readers,
This is my first The Walking Dead fan fiction, let alone any fan fiction. I have read a lot of them and wanted to write one for myself, so here it is. I don't own any of the TWD characters or their storyline, but I do own my own characters and storyline so don't try to steal them. This is also beginning at the final episodes of season three however I will not be copying the storyline of the show, let alone the dialogue. If I make any mistakes I apologise in advance. I hope you enjoy the story. I present to you Chapter 1 of "Torn Apart".


Cat's P.O.V
The sword plummets into the skull of the monster, it falling to a heap on the road. I wipe my sword on its shirt and slid it into its sheath. I pick up my bag and continued on my way. It is quiet, the only sounds were the sounds of the forest. The Georgian heat and humidity are beginning to get to me. I haven't eaten in what seems like weeks and I am beyond thirsty, my throat is dry and aching from the dehydration. I pull the water out of the pack and take the final mouthful of water that I have. I place the bottle back inside and walk on.

It has been two years since that day when everything I cared about was gone. I have nothing left, nothing to live on for except for my promise. Never forget and don't give up. I block the memories out quickly, knowing they will only cause me pain. I haven't had physical contact with a human for six months. I tend to avoid people at all cost, the last person she cared about... I shake my head and scold myself for thinking of him... Them... The sound of a car interrupts my thoughts. I turn around and in the far distance see a car driving towards me.

"Shit" I mumble and head into the forest at the side of the road.

I hide a few metres into the tree line, ensuring I won't be caught. The car slows down and comes to a stop in front of me. I stay quiet and listen. An African American woman steps out from the car. She has dreadlocks and is wearing dirty clothes, but then again who isn't? The man in the car is older and has only one hand, the stump covered by metal. He speaks quickly before driving off. The woman watches him drive away before turning to head back the way she came. As she is walking off I go to move but step on a twig.

"Fuck." I whisper.

The woman's head snaps in my direction. She slowly pulls the katana off her back and walks towards my direction. I walk further into the woods and climb a tree to be out of sight. The woman holds the katana in a defence position, preparing for any attack. She looks around briefly searching around for any threat. A monster walks towards her and she slices its head off in ease. She lowers her weapon and walks back towards the road. I wait five minutes before climbing down the tree. I head back till I am a few metres in from the road. I can see her further ahead, so I follow her as quietly as possible.

An hour in and she has taken down countless creatures. I have taken down a few as quietly as possible, she didn't notice I was there. However an hour later a man runs up to her. I am at a distance that I can't see him properly, however I can tell he is agitated. They obviously know each other by the way they talk. A few moments later he runs past down the way we came. The woman sighs and continues walking onwards, with me close behind her. It is a few hours later and the sky went from blue to orange, the sun setting in the distance. My feet are aching and I am more thirsty than ever but I have to push on for fear of losing her. I look further ahead and see buildings poking up through the trees. Soon I can see fences topped with barb wire and guard towers scattered around the grounds indiscriminately. It was a prison. I turn to see the woman walking in the direction of the prison, nearing the fences edge. I look and see a creature make its way toward me. I sigh and plunge the knife from my belt into its head. I turn back around to see the woman is gone.

I walk up to the fence and look inside the grounds. There are monsters walking through the paddocks, the front gate ripped open allowing the creatures more access. However up the top near the buildings, I can see people walking around with rifles and other guns. They seem on edge, then again who isn't nowadays? I crouch down and study them for abit. They seem like normal people, survivors like everybody else. I hadn't been with a group in a long time purely because I hadn't found one. Staring intently I hear a twig snap and then everything goes black.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now