Chapter 34

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Daryl's P.O.V

I stare at the woman I love in silence, wondering what she is thinking. Her mouth is dropped and her eyes wide, containing an emotion I just can't place. Love? Fear? Panic? I begin to grow uncomfortable at the silence. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I've been thinking about it for awhile but I didn't know she'd react. Seeing this makes me regret my decision. I stand up and begin to put on my clothes in a rush, anger radiating through my body.

"Where are you going?" Cat asks.

I glare and her and pull on my boots, not talking. I begin to walk out the door.

"Daryl, wait!" She cries.

I feel her hand grip mine and pull me back into the room. She closes the door behind us, her leaning against the door.

"Wha'?" I yell.

She looks taken aback by my outburst but quickly composes herself.

"Why are you mad?" She whispers.

Rage floods through me, "You hesitated, you fuckin' hesitated. You don' wanna marry me, look at me. I nothin' but trash to you, someone to fuck. But when it comes down to actually being with me you choke!"

Tears brim over her eyes but she quickly wipes them away, a scowl set on her face.

"You are an idiot Daryl Dixon." She mutters, walking past me.

She begins putting her clothes on in a huff, muttering to herself. I'm taking deep breathes, trying to contain my anger unsuccessfully. I turn to leave when she finally speaks.

"You just don't get it do you?" She says.

"Get wha'?"

"How much you mean to me. You're threatened."

"I ain' threatened." I say defending myself.

"Yes you are. But he's dead Daryl! He has been for along time and he's not coming back!" She yells, tears streaming down her face.

I freeze at her words, knowing who she is talking about.

"I..." I begin to speak.

She cuts me off, "Don't deny it. You're afraid that you're a rebound, that I don't care for you the way I cared for him. Of course I'm going to have feelings for him Daryl. I was with him for nine fucking years, the only person I had caring for me in this fucking messed up world! But he died, okay, he died! I haven't been with him in two years!"

I stare at her, my anger slowly disappearing, I go to hold her but she pushes me away.

"Then I met you. I didn't think anything would happen between us but it did. And it was new and exciting and made me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. But then I realised that those weren't the same feelings, they were stronger and more powerful than anything I've ever felt before." She pauses.

She takes a deep breath and continues, "When I didn't say anything it wasn't because I was rejecting you. I was thinking."

"Thinkin'?" I ask.

"About us, our future and how amazing it would be to be able to call you my husband. I was fantasising Daryl. But no, you took it the fucking wrong way, to think that I'd been rejecting you. Well I wasn't! Because I want nothing more than to be your wife." She finishes.

She is standing there breathing heavily after her rant, holding her tank top in her hands. She looks at me trying to gage a reaction. I walk over to her, grab her face in my hands and kiss. She drops her shirt and wraps her arms around my neck. We kiss what seems like hours, pouring our emotions into the kiss. I pull back and look her in the eyes.

"Wife." I whisper.

A huge smile spreads across her face, "Husband."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

At that moment Glenn rushes into the room.

"Wha' the hell?" I say, pushing Cat behind me.

"Oh, sorry." Glenn says averting his eyes.

Cat quickly slips on her top and turns back to Glenn.

"What's wrong?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"We need you both outside. Grab your weapons."

"What's goin' on?" I ask.

"Someone's trying to take the prison."

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now