Chapter 31

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Cat's P.O.V

The warm liquid is soothing for my sore throat. The smell of fresh plants and tea fills my lungs, clearing my nostrils. I open my eyes and am met with his dark, aged ones.

"How do you feel?" He asks.

"Better. But you shouldn't be in here, you'll get sick." I say concerned for the old man.

"Caleb is sick. I'm the only person that can help till Daryl returns with the supplies." He states.

I nod and drink more tea. Sasha is next to me on the bed asleep and Glenn is back in his own cell. I look at Hershel and finally see his age showing. He has dark circles under his eyes, his white hair fuzzy. He is taking deep breathes and looks as if he could fall asleep any minute.

"How is everyone?" I ask.

He sighs and rests his head in his hands, "Some are better. Others are worse."

"How many?" I ask.

"Three. And that's just today. Two yesterday and one the day before. This illness is wiping out the majority of the group. It's at the point where there are no burial's, but burning of the bodies."

"Do you need help?"

He looks at me and smiles sadly, "No. I just need you to get better."

"Afraid my serial killer ways will come out huh?" I ask, trying to make light of the situation.

He laughs at the memory of our first conversation, "Something like that." He chuckles.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"All this is just putting stress on my faith. I know that God has a plan, it's just that I didn't think it would be this. I don't know, maybe I'm just not cut out for this world..." He trails off.

I gasp at his words as they hit home.

"Hershel don't ever say that. You need to be here for me, for Beth, for Glenn, for Maggie and the baby."

He smiles, "Yes, the baby. I have always wanted to be a grandfather."

"Well if you want to be, change your thoughts. Maggie is going to need her father, not just for the birth but for her to learn and take advice from." I say.

"Cat, I wasn't saying that I don't want to be alive. I was saying that this world is hard and I don't know if I have what it takes to live in this world. Saying that doesn't mean I won't try my damnedest to be there for my family and the rest of us. I was simply saying that it's hard for me." Hershel explains.

I nod, understanding his words. I walk over and wrap my arms around Hershel, after a moment he returns the gesture. I sit there and hold the man that has become like a father to me, who is more of a father than my own was. I hold onto him, pouring all my love for him into the gesture. He holds me back and gives me a reassuring squeeze. I pull away and give him a warm smile.

As I move back a sharp pain explodes through my stomach. I begin to feel nauseous and run over to the basin in the corner of the room. Hershel comes over and rubs my back reassuringly. I wash my face and lay back on the bed.

"I guess it didn't fix things." Hershel says.

I chuckle bitterly, "Yeah..."

Sasha sits up and runs over to basin as well, repeating the same actions. As she sits back, I move the hair out of her face and rub her arm reassuringly.

"I may have to make some more tea." Hershel says, standing up.

"Good luck." I say.

Sasha begins coughing hysterically, coughing up some blood.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now