Chapter 41

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Cat's P.OV

I awake the next morning, the feeling of a warm body underneath me. I open my eyes and see the love of my life peacefully asleep beneath me. His chest is rising and falling in a slow rhythm, his heavy breathing in my ear. I reach my hand up and trace patterns lightly on his face. He stirs for a moment before returning back to sleep. I sit up slowly trying not to disturb him. The smell of cooking meat reaches my nose and my stomach grumbles instantly.

I silently exit the car, shutting it quietly behind me. The sun is bright when I exit, hurting my eyes for a moment. The winter air is cool, and I tighten my jacket around me. I walk towards the fire and see Rick awake, with Carl's head asleep on his lap. He is holding Judith, who is awake but peaceful. He is holding one of her bottles filled with water, which she generously drinks.

On the fire is some game that Daryl must of caught last night. I look over and see Michonne isn't anywhere to be seen. I take a seat next to Rick.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning." He replies.

"Where's Michonne?" I ask.

"She went on a supply run to see if she could find anything before we head off."

I nod and a yawn escapes my throat. I blink lazily and look at Judith, who has drifted off to sleep again. A gust of wind blows and I shiver. Rick wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me against him. I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. Rick and I had gotten extremely close throughout our time together. Things were no longer awkward, and he was completely supportive when he found out about the baby. He, Michonne and Carl always ensured mine and Judith's safety above their own.

"How are you doing?" I ask him.

He remains silent for a moment before answering, "I don't know. It keeps replaying over and over and over in my head. What would of happened if Daryl hadn't of shown up? ... If you or Michonne were hurt? ... If they got Judith? ... Or if that man got Carl... I saw red. I was in a blind rage. I scared myself."

"You had to do what you had to do. Anyone else would have done the same." I reassure him.

"I swear in that moment I wasn't myself, all I knew was that I had to protect all of you. I reminded myself of someone from my past, someone I swore I'd never be like." He says.

"Who?" I ask.

"He was rash and impatient, contradicted me at every turn. Always thought he was right. But then he betrayed me and tried to kill me. He tried to take my family away from me. I wouldn't let him... I didn't let him. Now I'm here while he's gone... I will do anything to protect my family." He says, looking into my eyes.

"You're a good man Rick."

"No I'm not..." He trails off, looking away.

I turn his head backtrack to me, "You are. One of the best."

He smiles and I press a quick kiss on his cheek. I pull back and see his eyes widen for a second. I grab at the stick on the fire and pull out the meat before it burns. I look up and see Daryl staring at us and my heart flutters. I stand up and hobble over to him, kissing him. His hands wrap around my waist, his hands gently squeezing my hips. I pull away and smile at him.

"Come sit down." I say, taking ahold of his hand.

I take my seat next to Rick, Daryl sitting on the log next to me. The meat has cooled down, so I pull some off and hand it to Daryl, he smiles and I wink at him. I tear off some more and give it to Rick. He nods in thank you and shakes Carl awake. Carl awakes with a start and looks around wildly. He visibly relaxes when he sees where he is.

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