Chapter 22

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Cat's P.O.V

Once I have finished washing the plates after breakfast, I head outside to see if there are any jobs that need doing. The air is cooler, the autumn weather in full swing. I look over and see Rick in the fields with Carl. Things are awkward with Rick and with Carl's questioning eyes, I couldn't go there.

There are plenty of people at the fence taking down the walkers. Daryl is in the council meeting, so I look for someone to hang out with. I see Maggie taking watch in the pass overhead, so I head towards her direction. I grab a rifle at the door and walk through into the pass. She turns and looks at me and smiles, I nod and take my position beside her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I feel a little queasy but nothing too bad. How about you?"

"I'm feeling good. Great actually." I say, smiling at last nights events.

"Really? He's that good huh?" She says.

I turn at her in mock shock, "Maggie Greene, you have a perverted mind." I say, "But yes, he is incredible."

She laughs, "I could tell by the huge grins you guys had on this morning."

I chuckle at her statement, my tummy getting butterflies at the thoughts of him.

"How did Glenn take the news of the baby?" I ask.

She looks down and kicks at the concrete, "Not great."

"What happened?"

"I showed him the test and he just sat there. He was silent and didn't move for three hours and he only did because it was dinner. He sat at the table in silence and picked at his food. When we went to bed, he laid on his back and stared at the ceiling and didn't touch me. I don't know whether he's in shock or what but I wish he would just say something, anything!" She yells.

"I'm sorry honey." I say rubbing her back.

"How did your husband take it?" She asks.

I stop the rubbing for a second, but then continue. I take a deep breathe and remember back to one of the happiest moments of my previous life.

"Well we had been trying for years to get pregnant. I was just about to turn thirty when I found out I was pregnant. I told James at dinner one night. He asked me how my day was and I told him, casually slipping in that I found out I was pregnant in the middle of the story. He was very excited and it was the most happy I had ever seen him." I smile.

"At least you got a reaction from your husband." She mutters.

"Don't be mad at Glenn. It's a shock to any guy, and in a world like this, there is a lot more pressure on his shoulders."

"What about my shoulders? I'm the one that has to carry the child and give birth. The last pregnant woman I saw died in labor at my hands. I am terrified and he doesn't even care." She cries.

I pull her into my arms and hold her as she cries, my shirt becoming soaked.

"Everything will be fine. Your father is here, plus you have Beth and me. I won't let anything happen to you. Glenn will come around and he is going to love you and this baby so much." I soothe her.

She nods her head and pulls away, wiping her eyes.

"Have you told Hershel or Beth yet?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No, I've been to preoccupied with Glenn's reaction to think about it. But I guess I should."

"They are going to be so thrilled."

She smiles, "Daddy always wanted to be a granpoppy. And Beth loves children."

"How about you go and tell them. I'll keep watch up here."

She nods her head and hugs me quickly before walking away. I look over the field and see no threat. I hear the door open and see Michonne walk through the door. She stops when she sees me.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was on duty." She says.

"Oh yeah. I was just covering for Maggie. Come on over, there's plenty of room."

She nods her head and closes the door. She walks over and takes her position beside me. We stand there in silence and keep an eye out for any threat.

"I want to apologise." She says.

"What for?" I ask confused.

"For hitting you over the head and knocking you out when you first came."

I laugh at the memory, seeming as if it was years ago, "That's fine. I would have done the same thing if someone was following me."

"Yeah but we haven't really talked since you got here and I've been trying to do that since you woke up."

"That's alright. All is forgiven." I chuckle.

She chuckles in response, "I never did ask why you followed me that day."

"Well I had been wandering around for six months before that, my previous group has been overrun. I hadn't eaten in a week and I was dehydrated. When I saw Merle drop you off, I noticed you looked healthy. So I took a chance and followed you in the hopes that you had a group." I explain.

She nods her head, "Well you seem to fit in just nicely."

"How'd you end up here?"

She is quiet for a moment before speaking, "I was wandering alone when I met Andrea. She was a previous member of the group. They had thought she died when Hershel's farm was overrun. She was weak and exhausted when I found her. I fed her and we looked after each other during the winter. However she grew real sick and it was hard to take care of her. That's when we met the Governor and went to Woodbury." She pauses, her body tensing at the name.

She took a deep breathe and continued, "They took us in and welcomed us. But the town was suss. I left, but Andrea stayed. That's when I met Rick and the others. I helped them and in exchange they let me stay." She says, clearly holding back details but I don't want to push her.

"Where is Andrea now?" I ask.

Michonne simply looked at me and shook here head. "I'm sorry." I say.

After that we take watch in silence, comfortable in each other's company. Occasionally we talk about something, but then return to silence. Sasha comes up and takes my position on watch. I smile at her and nodded at Michonne. She nods back and returns the smile. I head back down the stairs towards the yard.

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