Chapter 37

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Cat's P.O.V
"That's not fair!".

I smirk at him, "Not my fault you're not fast enough Grimes."

Carl scowls and attempts again. We were playing chicken and I get him every time, while he is struggling to get me. Michonne is laughing at Carl's expense, which urges him on. Rick is on lookout, holding a sleeping Judith against his chest. We have been on the move constantly for the last three weeks and this is the first time we were able to relax somewhat.

The abandoned warehouse was dark and eerie but there were surprisingly no walkers when we found it. Michonne found us awhile back and we have grown closer as a group. We had been driven from the house by a bunch of dangerous men that threatened Rick while we were on a supply run and we had been on the move ever since. I still search for Daryl everyday, never giving up hope. As I jerk my hand back from Carl's movement, a wave of nausea comes over me.

"Michonne, how about you take over for me?" I say, standing up.

"Sure..." She said, giving me a concerned look.

I stand up and walk away from everyone else, hunching over and becoming sick. I hear footsteps as I wash out my mouth with water.

"How are you doing today?" Rick asks.

I turn and see him holding Judith, looking down on me with concerned eyes.

"Not much better, though I think I'm becoming used to it again." I laugh bitterly.

He nods and offers me a hand up, I grasp it and rise to my feet. We walk back over to the window and Rick resumes his watch. Rick tried moving his arm and hisses in pain.

"Do you want me to take her?" I ask.

"I'm fine."

"Rick, you still haven't fully recovered from that beating and Judith is getting bigger. I can hold her." I smile.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Rick, I've been around her for seven months, I'm used to her. Besides, it's something I'm going to have to deal with anyway."

He gives me a hesitant look before handing her over. I shift and she nestles perfectly in the crook of my arm, her peaceful face snuggles in close. I smile down at her and gently move a strand of hair from her eyes. I look up and see Rick smiling at me and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I smirk and walk back over to Carl and Michonne.

I sit down on a crate and watch Judith sleep. Her eyelids flutter as she dreams, her chest rising up and down slowly. I gently stroke her face and watch the peaceful child. I imagine what it would have been like if Annie had lived, what type of mother I would have been to her, what sort of father James would have been.

My thoughts stray to Daryl and what our life would have been like at the prison. Would he want children? What sort of father would he be? I know that he would fear he would be the same as his father but I know for a fact that wouldn't be true. Daryl is a good man and wouldn't lay a hand on me or our children. Tears begin to well in my eyes as I wonder where he is. Is he safe? Who is he with? When will we see each other again?

A tear falls onto to Judith's arm and I quickly wipe it off. I feel someone take a seat next to me, their arm brushing against mine.

"How are you doing?"

I look into his youthful eyes and give him a weak smile. Despite his age he looks so grown up, nearly the dead spitting image of his father. Carl and I had grown close in the prison and he had a new respect for me since I saved Judith.

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