Chapter 9

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Cat's P.O.V

I clutch at my stomach, unable to control the laughter. I look at Rick, who is laughing just as hard. I fall to the ground and roll around, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Wha' so funny?" The southern drawl questions.

I look up and see Daryl standing there eyeing me and Rick. His body is riddled with tension, his face containing a scowl.

"Nothing, just telling Cat about the time I tried to ride Hershel's horse bareback and a snake spooked it and galloped off. I wasn't able to walk for a week after that," he chuckles.

Upon hearing it again and picturing Rick's demonstration of walking with his legs spread wide apart, I crack up laughing again.

"It's not that funny," he says, giving me a hand to help me up.

I take it as he pulls me up, "I'm pretty sure it it's actually the funniest thing I've heard in a long time." I say wiping the last of the tears away.

I turn and look at Daryl who is glaring at Rick, but I don't know why. I thought they were best friends.

"How'd the meeting go?" I ask, picking up the shovel and continuing work.

"Went alrigh'. I gotta do a supply run tomorrow, do you wanna come?" He asks.

"Me?" I question.

"Nah, the shovel. Yes you." He says.

"Um, sure. What time do we leave?" I ask.

"Early morning, it's a two day trip. We won't get back till sundown." He informs me.

"Uh, okay. Just wake me up when it's time to go." I say.

He winks at me with his trademark smirk without Rick moticing, walking off towards the fences. My heart rate is fast and I try to control my breathing. This man has a hold over me. I turn and see Rick staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Is there something going on between you two?"

"No." I say, continuing my digging.

"You seem very close." He refutes.

"Yeah, I guess. Than again I'm close with Hershel, Maggie... You."

He smiles at me.


"Yeah. I mean you're one of my best friends. You know how to make me laugh, you're easy to talk to, and you're someone that supports me. You're a great guy Rick."

He blushes, "You're not too bad yourself."

"Oh thanks," I say, flicking some of the dirt at him.

"That's it." He says, flicking some back.

We continue throwing dirt at one another, laughing and playing. It so calm and peaceful, yet the threat of the outside world is constant. Carl walks towards us, holding a wailing Judith in his arms.


"Yes, Carl?"

"I think she wants you to feed her today."

"Okay," Ricks face lights up with a smile as he takes the girl in his arms.

"You take over here while I feed her Carl."

Rick walks towards the prison, throwing her in the air and catching her occasionally, her giggling filling the air. I smile bitterly at the sight and turn back to the soil, Carl is looking at me.

"Yes Carl?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says, beginning to dig.

"Spit it out kid." I smile.

"Why do you always act weird whenever Judith is around?"

I halt in my digging, my breathing stopped. I always knew Carl was perceptive, but not that perceptive.

"What do you mean?" I ask nonchalantly.

"You never directly look at her and you always become sad and quiet whenever she is around. Do you not like her or something?"

"No, it's not that." I say quietly.

"Than what is it?" He questions.

I turn and look directly at the kid, he is genuinely baffled at my reactions towards his sister.

"Carl, there is a lot you don't know about me."

"That's because you don't let people in."

I sigh, "That's true."

"Do you not trust us?"

"Of course I do. You gave me life on the brink of death. How could I not trust you?"

"Because you are holding yourself back."

"You're a perceptive kid aren't you?" I ask.

"Not much else you can do in a world like this." He chuckles.

I laugh at his response.

"So will you tell me?" He says looking up.

I look at the kid. I truly do like Carl. Though he is quiet, he is smart, he reminds me a lot of Rick.

"How about I tell you after dinner tonight, just before bed?"

"Sure." He smiles.

"But, you have to give me your pudding for dessert."

He laughs, "Deal."

"Alrighty then." I smile and we continue to dig in silence.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now