Chapter 44

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Daryl's P.O.V
My eyes open slowly and take in my surroundings, the night sky shining above. I can hear voices talking and I lean up to see who it is. Cat is sitting on the windowsill talking to Rick. I can't quite make out what they're saying. But I see Rick beginning to lean forward towards Cat and rage consumes me. Before I can make any movement Cat dodges his kiss.

"I can't do this." She says.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I love Daryl. He is my husband and the father of my child, nothing in this world will change that." She explains.

My heart warms at her words and let out a small smile.

"It doesn't mean I don't love you too, it's just different. You are one of my protectors, my confidant, my best friend. But Daryl is my world and I wouldn't have it any other way." She says before leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek.

Rage burns through me at the sight and words but I suppress it and pretend to be asleep. She walks over and lays down beside, moving my arm for her to cuddle against me. I wrap my arms around her protectively and hold her against my chest. Nothing in this world could make me give her up. Rick may love her but she is mine and nothing will change that.


I awake the next morning, my back stiff and my ribs still aching. I hiss as I sit up, clutching at them gently. Cat sits up swiftly, frightened awake by my movements.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothin'." I hiss throughout the pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Ribs hurt like a bitch though." I chuckle.

"Let me take a look." She says, reaching for my shirt.

I move my hand out of the way and she lifts the fabric away. Underneath are dark purplish bruises all over my body, some yellowing due to healing. Her fingers gently brush over my ribs and a sharp pain runs through my body.

"Ouch." I hiss.

"Sorry." She says.

"It's okay."

She pulls the shirt back down into its place and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you, remember that." She says, her hand on my face.

"I love you too."

I lean forward and kiss her gently. Her forehead presses against mine and she sighs in content.

"It's okay. Soon enough we'll get to Terminus and we can get you some medical attention."

I nod, not certain about her words. I slowly stand up and help her to her feet. Once she stands up straight she stumbles slightly, her hand on her forehead.

"Head rush."

Quickly she dashes past me outside and begins to be violently sick. I follow her and grasp her hair, removing it from her face. I rub the small of her back, attempting to soothe her as she is sick. She finishes and stands up slowly, wiping her mouth clean.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Never better." She mutters sarcastically.

I chuckle and we head back inside towards the others. Cat walks over towards Rick and Michonne who are making breakfast at the fire. Carl is sitting away from the fire, playing with Judith in his arms. Before I can make my way over to the fire he calls me over.


I walk over to him, "Yea'?"

"Can you hold Judith for a minute? I have to go to the bathroom."

"Um sure."

"Thanks." He says, passing over the wriggling child.

I pull her into my arms as he walks outside. I look down at her and see her big eyes staring into mine. I awkwardly reposition her, holding her against my chest. Her hands reach up and begin to play with my beard, I swat her hands away and she giggles. I chuckle and continue to play with her. I smile down at the precious life in my hands, I can only imagine what it will be like to hold my own child. I glance over at Cat and see her looking at me, a wide smile on her face. I let out a small smile and return my attention back to Judith.


It had been three hours since we left the shed and we were about half a days walk from Terminus. Carl and Rick were walking ahead of everyone, deep in conversation. Michonne was holding Judith's sleeping form, keeping an eye out for any threat. Cat and I were at the rear, having some privacy to ourselves.

"I can't believe we are nearly there!" She whispers excitedly.

I chuckle and wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me, my hand on her bump. She lays her head on my shoulder as we walk. The images of Rick and her filter through my mind and soon it becomes to much.

"So las' night..." I say.

"What about last night?" She asks, not moving from her position.

"I overheard you."

"When?" She asks confused.

"The conversation between you and Rick. I saw you."

She pulls her head away and looks me in the eyes.


"I heard wha' you said and I saw him nearly kiss you."

"Yeah and I pulled away. Why are you angry? Didn't you hear what I said?" She asks irritated.

"Yea' I did and that's what worries me!" I yell.

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you say tha' you love him too! Do you know how much tha' hurts me? To know tha' you love someone else?" I say, stopping.

She stops and looks at me, "Yes, but I also said that I love you more!"

"Yea' but it's the fact that you love someone else at all!" I say, getting angry.

"I don't love him the way I love you! He was there for me when you weren't!" She yells.

Hurt shoots through my heart at her words, "Tha's not fair." I whisper.

"He has been there for me these past few months and he is one of the closest people I have in this world. He is my best friend Daryl and I'm sorry that I love my best friend!" She says, storming off in the direction of the others.

She walks as fast as she can and takes her spot next to Rick. Hurt and anger pulse through my vains, of course she ran off to him. I huff and pull my crossbow off my back and stalk off after them towards our destination.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now