Chapter 26

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*****Warning: Sex Scene*****

Daryl's P.O.V

Cat's arms wind tightly around my neck, pulling her body closer to mine. My hands grip her waist and hold her firmly against me. She jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist and I hold onto her thighs. I lay her down on the table top and hover over her, not putting my weight on her. She pulls me into her and I wind my hands into her hair. She moves her lips to my jaw and trails kisses down my neck, sucking on my collarbone. Her hands move to my shirt and she begins to undo the buttons. Alarmed I grab her wrists and pull her hands away. She opens her eyes and stares at me, her eyes filled with lust.

"What's wrong?" She pants.

"Are you sure you wanna do this here? In the dinin' hall? Where anybody can just walk in?" I ask.

She smirks, "Sure. It's hot." Her lips back on my skin.

I kiss her neck and begin to pull off her shirt as well. Our clothes slowly become discarded onto the floor of the dining hall. I can feel her skin heat up beneath me and radiate deep inside me. I run my hands all over her body, unable to get enough of her. Our breathing becomes laboured and matches pace with one another.

"Do you have a condom?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

I smirk and lean down to pull it out of my pants pocket. She looks at me and cocks an eyebrow.

"Planing on a happy ending tonight Mr Dixon?" She smirks.

I chuckle at her statement, "A man can hope."

She smiles and grabs the foil packet out of my hand. She tears the packaging off and slowly slides the condom onto me, her hands applying pressure. I groan at the feel of her hands on me and stare into her eyes. I lean forward and kiss her, my hands in her hair. Her hands travel to my back and leave feather light touches on my scars. I move my hips forward and slowly enter her, her gasping at the sensation. When I am completely in, I begin to thrust roughly. She gasps and wraps her legs around my waist. My lips trail down her neck and suckle against her sensitive skin.

I can feel the pressure beginning to build slowly but I had to wait for her first. Her cries are louder and are beginning to echo through the prison, I move my lips to hers to silence her. I can feel her trembling beneath me, her walls beginning to tighten. I am about to release when she lets go, her nails digging into my back. Not long after I let go and collapse on top of her, our pants filling the air.

I shift the side, moving my weight off of her. She lays her head on my chest and sighs in content and looks up at me.

"You can give me payback anytime." She says, tracing my chest.

I chuckle and pull her tighter against me, my fingers trailing her spine. We lay there in silence as I look at the ceiling. I have never had such intense feelings towards a woman ever and it frightens me a little. Cat has such a hold over me that if anything ever happened to her, I wouldn't survive through it.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asks. I look down at her and am met with her overpowering green eyes.

"I was thinking about how much you mean to me." I say, my thumb running along her cheek.

"How much do I mean to you?" She smiles.

"You are my life."

A smile spreads and her face lights up, her eyes begin to glisten with unshed tears.

"I completely agree."

I lean forward and gently place my lips against hers. Her eyes close and a tear slides down her cheek. I cradle her face in my hands and pour all my love into the kiss, letting her know how much she means to me. I pull away and lay my forehead against hers, my eyes closed. I could see my entire future with her, living my last days in her embrace. My heart pounded at the thought and was matched by her heartbeat. At that moment I could hear someone begin to walk down the steps.


We jump up and grab our clothes. I pull on my jeans and shirt swiftly, the buttons still undone. Cat throws on her shirt, which is inside out and has wild sex hair. At that moment, Hershel walked into the kitchen. He stops suddenly when he sees us.

"Cat? Daryl? What are you doing up so late?" He questions.

I look over at Cat who is blushing profusely. I smirk slightly at her reaction and turn back to Hershel.

"We were just talking..." She smiles.

Hershel nods and walks over to get himself a drink if water. We walk quickly towards the exit when his voice stops us.

"I think someone forgot something."

I turn and see Hershel pointing at an item of clothing on the floor. At a closer looks I see it's Cats underwear. Mortified, she runs forward and grabs it, her cheeks crimson causing me to laugh. We turn and leave.

"Night you two." Hershel calls.

I can hear his chuckling echoing through the quiet prison as we make our way to our rooms.

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