Chapter 58

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Daryl's P.O.V

We have been on the road for a few hours now and it's dark outside. The whole ride we have been silent, both of us thinking to much to speak. All my thoughts have been consumed with either getting Beth and Carol back or what Cat's reaction will be when I get return.

"How do you know Beth?" Noah asks.

I glance at him before looking back at the road, "An old friend."

"Before the outbreak?" He asks.

"Nah. She and her family let us stay on her farm until it got overrun."

He chuckles, "Sounds like Beth."

"How do you know her?"

"She was brought in a month or so ago, all banged up and bruised. She woke up and we met. She was determined to get out and for me to go with her. However when the time actually came, I got out but she got caught." He explains.

"So what're these people like?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment, "They're wanna be do gooder's. They have this system of when they help you, you have to pay them back. The systems pretty fragile and if we play to that, then we can get Beth and Carol back."

I nod and begin to notice the surrounding woods, "We ain' that far."

I begin to pull off to the side of the road and park the truck under some large trees.

"Why're we stopping?" He asks.

"Don' wanna draw attention to the church. We'll walk the rest of the way." I say, turning it off, grabbing my bag and crossbow.

I get out of the truck and wait for him to get out, then making our way towards the church. I keep my eyes peeled for walkers, searching for any kind of threat. After awhile I begin to hear voices speaking and I recognise one of them. I glance through the gaps in the trees and see them sitting on the steps. I walk forward and step on a twig, alerting them to our presence.

Their heads snap towards our direction and the priest hurries back inside the church. Michonne draws her sword and begins to walk towards us, ready for the attack. I encourage Noah to walk faster and I begin to walk out of the tree line. Soon enough I come face to face with Michonne, a large smile covering her face. After a moment her smile fades and she looks around.

"Where's Carol?" She asks.

I sigh and turn toward the tree line, "Come on out."

After a few seconds Noah stumbles out of the trees and stops in front of Michonne. She looks at him confused and turns to me.

"Who is this?" She asks.

"I'll explain but I need everybody together." I say.

At that moment someone exits the church, "Hey Michonne, I was-"

My heartbeat speeds up as I see her freeze at the bottom of the steps. She looks as beautiful as ever, her hair in a casual disarray. However I notice she isn't looking at me but towards Noah.

"Michonne?" She asks, stepping forward.

Michonne turns to look at Cat, giving her a better view of me. Cats eyes land on mine and she freezes completely.

"Holy shit." She whispers.

Next thing I know, she collapses to the ground at the foot of the stairs.

"Cat!" I yell, running forward.

The church doors burst open and Rick steps out of the church. I drop to my knees beside Cat and pull her head in my lap.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now