Chapter 20

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Cat's P.O.V

I open the door to the guard tower and head up the stairs, my heart beating in anticipation.

"Daryl?" I call out.

I open the door to the room and am met with a beautiful sight. There are two mattresses on the floor, covered in blankets and pillows. The room is glowing with dozens of candles, creating a soft, romantic glow over the room. On the pillows of the bed are some daisies from the fields outside. I look over and see Daryl outside leaning against the rail.

"You did all this for me?" I ask.

He turns and sees me, his eyes bugging wide and his mouth open. He walks inside and I see him. He is wearing his boots with the jeans I found for him at the house. However he is also wearing the light blue, button down shirt that I loved so much, that was the biggest turn on. He looks extremely rugged and handsome and my heart stops at the sight of the man I love.

"I though' it would be more special if I did the place up." He mumbles, still staring at me.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "Its going to be special because it's you. You didn't have to do all this." I whisper, looking into his captivating blue eyes.

"I wanted to because I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say, kissing him.

His hands hold into my waist and pull me tight against him.

"I love what you're wearin'." He says, his fingers skimming the red lace.

"I love this shirt. It's a shame I'm gonna have to rip it off you." I smirk.

He chuckles, "Well don' rip it then. If it's such a turn on, I wanna keep it."

I laugh and kiss him again. Soon the kiss becomes heated, our breathing filling the air. He pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He slams me against the wall, the impact barely felt. My hands are roaming through his hair, gripping on. His hands move from my thighs to my bum, giving it a squeeze. My hips buck forward at the contact. He walks us over to the bed and lays us down.

He hovers over me, his weight being supported on his arms. I begin to unbutton the shirt and slide it down his arms. I throw in in the corner and let my hands wander his torso. My fingers run through his chest hair, graze over his stomach to the waistband of his jeans. I flip us over so I am on top.

I lean down and kiss all over his torso. He sits up and looks into my eyes, lust filling them. He pulls at the hem of my top and pulls it over my head. He tosses it aside and kisses all over my chest, my fingers curling in his hair. His hands reach around my back and he unsnaps the bra and removes it.

He leans forward and kisses my nipple, causing it to tense harder. He takes it in his mouth and begins to suckle on it, his arms wrapped around my waist. I lean down and kiss his hair, playing with it. The tension is slowly building low in my stomach as he continues his merciless torture. Soon I am moaning loudly, unable to control my cries.

He flips us over and looks at me smirking. He kisses down my torso, nearing the waistband of my jeans. He undoes the button and zipper, slowly pulling the jeans off my legs, as well as my underwear, leaving me exposed.

He kisses the tops of my feet, biting my instep. He makes his way up my leg and then moves to the other, repeating the process. He looks up at me while separating my legs. Still looking at me his fingertips run up my thighs and he watches my reaction to his touch.

His finger reaches the small bud and he presses against it, my hips jerking in response. I cry out at the pleasure. He circles his thumb around the bud, earning more moans from me. He moves his thumb down to my entrance and feels the moisture there.

"Yer ready for me I see?"

I nod my head and and bite my lip. He thrusts his thumb into me and I cry out. He begins moving in and out, going deeper each time. He slowly adds his fingers and the tension builds in my stomach.

"Daryl, I'm gonna come." I moan.

And then I explode around his fingers, the sensation sending wave after wave through my body, my back arching off the mattress. I slump and he brings his hand to his lips, sucking off my juices while looking into my eyes. Seeing this turns me on.

I sit up and push him down onto the mattress. I place my hand on his crotch and begin to rub him through his jeans. He hisses and grips the edge of the bed. When he is hard enough I pull off his pants and boxers, his manhood springing free. I take in his size and smile.

"Well well Mr Dixon, I am impressed." I smirk.

I lean forward and kiss his tip, his hips jerking forward. I smile and wrap my lips around the tip and run my tongue along the top. His hands grip my hair and I can feel him throbbing beneath me. I slowly take him in my mouth and begin to suck, hard. His grip on my hair tightens and I look up to see his head thrown back. I smirk and take him deeper, feeling him at the back of my throat. I bob my head up and down and can feel him begin to reach his limit.

"Cat stop, I'm gonna come in your mouth." He hisses.

Hearing this spurs me on and I go harder. He builds and builds until he let's go and the warm seed fills my mouth. I swallow all the liquid and pull away. He looks at me and I lick my lips, removing the last of his juices from my mouth.

He grabs me and pushes me into the mattress. He kisses me and I can feel his erection begin to grow again. My hands run up and down his back, my nails digging in. His member growing near my entrance spurs me on.

"I need you now." I moan.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes, I nod at him. He sits up and grabs the box of condoms by the mattress, taking one out. He looks at me and holds it out. I take the foil packet and rip it open. I take the condom and slide it over his enormous erection. When it's on he lays me back down and positions himself at my entrance. Slowly he pushes himself in and I gasp at the sensation. He pushes to the hilt and grabs my leg, wrapping it around his waist. I do the same with the other one and he begins to thrust slowly. I moan at the feeling of him inside me and close my eyes.

"Open your eyes."

I open them and see his gorgeous blue orbs.

"I wannna' see your eyes as we make love."

I nod and he begins to move again. He moves gently, filling me with each thrust. I resist the temptation to close my eyes and stare at him, his eyes filled with love. He begins to pick up the pace and my moans grow louder. I can feel the tension building up in my stomach and before I know it I release, my cries filling the air. Not long after, Daryl follows me and collapses on top of me.

We lay there in silence, our panting filling the air. I run my hands up and down his back, while his run through my hair.

"That was incredible." He speaks.

"Earthshattering." I say.

"Really?" He says, looking up at me.

"That was the best I've ever had." I say.

"Even better then..." He begins.

"Even better then..." I finish for him.

He smiles and kisses me softly.

"I love you Daryl Dixon."

"I love you Cat Hemmings."

He kisses me again and we begin to make love again.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now