Chapter 45

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Cat's P.O.V
I storm away from Daryl, enraged by his stupidity and go to walk with Rick. I walk silently, trying to calm down from our argument. Rick looks over at me with a questioning look, but I ignore him and keep my eyes forward.

"Are you alright?" Carl asks.

I look at him walking beside me and the anger wavers slightly, his face is filled with such concern. But then Daryl's words come back and the anger flares up again.

"Yep." I say through gritted teeth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

Rick has moved further ahead and Carl and I are on our own now. I look at Carl, who has grown so much that now he is just taller than me, and I let out a sigh.

"It's Daryl."

"What did he do?" He asks.

"He is being an idiot and it's infuriates me!" I yell.


"He doesn't trust me! He thinks that he's not good enough and that if he continues to push me that I will leave and his thoughts will be proven true. He grasps onto anything that proves his theory and throws it in my face! I just wish that he would learn that I love him more than anybody else and that he is a good man." I rant.

"Do you tell him?" Carl questions.

"Of course I do!"

"I know that you say it, but do you show it? From what I know of Daryl he doesn't rely on words, he believes in actions. What he sees is that you say that he is a good man and that you live him, but do you show it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I see how much you rely on my dad. You go to him for everything because that's what you've been doing for the past three months. Daryl's back now, but you still go to dad. You need to rely more on Daryl and go to him for everything instead on dad." He says, looking forward.

I slow my walk down and take in his words, did I really do that? I look up and see Carl further ahead and I speed up to catch up to him. We walk in silence with me contemplating his words.


A few hours later, we arrive at our destination, large wired fences surrounded the compound. We approach with caution, looking for any signs of threat within. I subconsciously rub my bump to calm my nerves.

"We all spread out. Watch for awhile, see what we see." He says, looking at all of us.

His eyes land on me as he addresses the group, "Get ready. We all stay close."

We all nod in agreement and head off to check out the place. I stay behind with arick, who watches Carl walk away. I see Daryl walk off, not so much as glancing back at me. I sigh and turn to the compound.

"You two alright?" Rick asks.

"Not really." I say, continuing watch.

"What happened?" He questions.

"What do you think happened? It's Daryl being Daryl." I say, rubbing my belly.

"What's he doing?"

"He overheard us last night. Saw you try to kiss me." I say.


I turn to Rick, his head looking down to the ground. He begins to kick at the rocks at his feet.

"He is upset because I said that I love you. It didn't register that I said that it was platonic and that he is the love of my life. No, my husband believes that there is something going on between us." I say.

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