Chapter 47

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Cat's P.O.V
My breathing is rapid and shallow, a reflection of the fear inside me. I cower in the corner of the dark room, watching his sinister face smirk at my pain. His hand reaches out and caresses my cheek, I flinch away from the contact. He chuckles and walks away from me, towards the table where his things are. At once a voice is heard over the communicator at his hip. He sighs and picks it up.

"What?!" He yells into the communicator.

"Garreth, we need you over at the sheds." The voice says.

"Do you really need me? I'm kinda busy." He says, sideways glancing at me.

"Yeah, there's a problem with administration."

He sighs and looks at me for a moment before speaking, "I'll be there in a second."

He puts the communicator back on his belt, putting his knife and gun away on him. He stalks over and bends down to speak to me.

"Catty, I have to go but I'll be back soon."

He leans forward to kiss me but I slap him hard across the cheek. He chuckles and hits me back before grabbing onto my chin and placing a chased kiss on my lips. He stands and walks out the door, slamming it behind him. His footsteps echo down the corridor until I can't hear them anymore.

My breathing becomes more rapid and shallower. I claw at my skin, trying to remove the dirtiness I feel after the encounter. I don't know how long I've been trapped in this room but it has been awhile. I walk over to the tap in the room and turn it on, after a moment water begins to run out. I begin to clean myself of the grime, trying to remove any trace of him off me.

My thoughts turn to Daryl and the others. Are they okay? Are they alive? I know that I have to try and do something to help them, but Garreth has his possessive hold over me just as he always has. His unwillingness for me to be out if his sight hinders my chance at escape.

I look around and see if there is anything for me to pick the lock with. I search all over the kitchenette but come up empty. I look around the room and spot the bedside table. I rush to it and search frantically through its drawers until I stumble across something. Inside the drawer are a woman's possessions, among them bobby pins. I snatch one from the drawer and pick at the lock, until eventually the door opens.

I open the door quietly and peer into the hallway for any threat, but finding none. I go back into the room and search for anything I can use for a weapon. I grab the wooden chair and smash it against the wall until it crumbles to pieces. I grab one of the chair legs that has splintered at the top and get out of the room.

I walk slowly down the hallways, being extra cautious of getting caught. Before I turn a corner I hear footsteps approaching me. Suddenly Alex walks around the corner and sees me standing there.

"What the-"

I swing the weapon hard across the side of his head, hitting him in the temple. Alex topples to the ground and blood begins to emerge from his head. I stand there in shock at what I have just done. I killed him. Tears begin to well up, but then I realise what he is and what he has done. I angrily wipe away the tears and begin to search him for any weapons. At his hip is a revolver, as well as knives and a communicator. As I take his weapons the communicator comes to life.

"Alex what is taking you so long?"

I freeze at Garreth's voice, its ability to instil fear into me.

"Come on Alex, we don't have time to fuck around. I've got the assholes here that were with Cat waiting to be cut but you're taking your sweet ass time so hurry up." The line ends.

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