Chapter 39

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Cat's P.O.V
I feel the walker grip my arm and pull me towards it. I scream and fling my knife towards it, hitting its shoulder. Carl runs over and stabs the walker through the head. Judith is screaming in my arms as the walkers close in on us. Michonne, Rick and Carl continue to kill them until eventually they are all dead.

I look at Rick and see his shoulders rise and fall heavily. He turns and looks at me, I nod that I'm okay. He nods in return and looks around and sees the coast is clear.

"Let's go."

We continue walking down the road, my feet killing me. We had been walking for two months since the prison. We had run out of formula for Judith and she was now eating solids. I hadn't eaten a proper meal in three days and I was starving. I take a long swig from the water bottle and hand it to Carl. He gulps it down and hands it to Michonne.

"I thought maybe there'd be some houses down this way or maybe even a store. There's gotta be some food around here somewhere." She says.

I walk forward, my foot snagging on something. I fall but turn so Judith doesn't get hurt.

"Fuck." I curse.

"What happened?" Rick says, rushing to me.

"I'm fine. I fell that's all. Carl grab Judith." I say.

Carl takes Judith out if my arms and Rick helps me stand. I put pressure on my right ankle and hiss in pain.

"You've twisted your ankle." Rick says, prodding the swelling.

"Son of a bitch." I cry as he pushes.

"Is everything else alright?" He asks.

I sigh frustrated, "Yes I made sure to land on my hip, not my front."

He lifts my shirt up and I look down the see my hip begin to bruise. He touches it lightly and I curse.

"Can you walk?" He asks.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I snap.

Rick looks taken aback by my outburst and I instantly regret it.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"It's alright. I had to deal with worse with Lori." He says, wrapping an arm around my waist for support.

We continue walking for a bit when Carl says, "Hey look."

Ahead of us is an abandoned four wheel drive. We approach with caution, Carl handing me Judith.

"Stay here." Rick says to me.

Judith squirms in my arms as I watch them check for walkers. Michonne walks over to the side of the road and stabs a lone walker. I hobble over to the car and inspect its condition.


It was after dinner and I was laying on the backseat of the car with Judith asleep on my chest. Carl was asleep in the front seat while Michonne and Rick sat outside. I could hear their talking through the silent air.

"That was one small rabbit." Rick grumbles.

"It was something." Michonne counters.

She pauses for moment, "Gotta hand it to the thing. It traveled well."

Rick chuckled, "Have you noticed, we don't talk about it anymore. Food, I forgot what this feels like."

"Me too." She agrees, "I hope we're able to forget again soon."

"We're close. Just gotta make it through another day. Folks there taking people in have to be strong. They have to have a system." Rick says.

"I wonder if the whole things legit." Michonne says.

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