Chapter 40

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Daryl's P.O.V

I slam my foot down onto his head, the skull crushing beneath my feet. I hear a door opening on the car but think nothing of it. I clutch at my rib and gasp in pain.


I cautiously bend down and grab my crossbow. I hear the sound of tears and sighs of relief as I go to Rick and Michonne. I turn the corner and freeze on the spot.

"Daryl?" She asks.

"Cat." I breathe.

A huge smile covers her tear stained face as she hobbles towards me. My eyes are consumed by her face and I run to her. She throws her arms around me, my hands capturing her face. I smash my lips to her's and kiss her harder than I've ever kissed before and she reciprocates. She pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"I can't believe you're here." She whispers.

"I'm never leaving again." I say, kissing her again.

I pull her closer to me and feel a hard pressure on my stomach. She gasps and clutches her own stomach. She turns and kneels down.

"Cat!" Rick calls, running to her.

His hand is on her back rubbing smooth circles and Michonne and Carl hover around her.

"I'm fine." She pants.

"What's goin' on?" I say.

Rick turns and looks at me with a look of dread, matched by Carl and Michonne. Cat stands and turns to face me slowly. It's only then I take in her whole body and I freeze. My eyes zero in on her stomach and I loose my breath.

"Daryl..." Cat begins.

Underneath Cat's shirt and jacket is a defined bump. Her hands are folded around it, cradling the bump.

"Cat?" I ask, confused.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" Cat asks the others, they nod and give us privacy.

She hesitantly takes a step towards me.

"Daryl, I know what you must be thinking..." She begins.

"You're pregnant?" I ask bewildered.

She nods her head. She goes to grab my hand but I take a step back. Her face drops at the rejection and I long to hold her but I can't.

"How long have you..." I trail off.

"I've known for a month but I am four months along." She says hesitantly.


"If you don't know how..." She chuckles.

I don't laugh and she quickly stops, tension filling the air.

"It must of happened at the prison."

"But we always used..." I ask.

"Yeah, but condoms are only 99% effective..." She says absently.

"What?!" I yell.

"Daryl that's not the point." She sighs.

"Then what is the point Cat?" I ask angrily.

"The point is that I'm pregnant and it's your's." She says.

A wave of panic overcomes me and I know I need to get away. Without another word, I walk off into the woods, taking my cross bow with me. But before I go, I hear the sound of Cat's sobs breaking the silence.


The arrow flies throughout the air and hits the squirrel in between the eyes. I walk over and tug the arrow out of the animal and add it to the pelt. I have caught six squirrels and two rabbits. Hunting has always been a way for me to relax and clear my head. I had stumbled across a few walkers but nothing I couldn't handle. I put the arrow back in the crossbow and I decided that it was time to go back.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now