Chapter 17

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Cat's P.O.V

My eyes are met with the bright day light of midday. I blink a couple of times adjusting to my surroundings. I am in my cell at the prison, wondering how I got here. Last thing I remember is at the house with Daryl on the supply run. Daryl. I sit up but am met with stiff muscles and a sore stomach.

"Ow!" I curse.

"Easy does it." Says a male voice beside me.

I look up and see Rick sitting in the chair in the corner. He stands up and takes a seat beside me on the bed, his face shadowed by the sheet.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You were in the run with Daryl when he carried you in. You got an infection from the cut on your stomach. Hershel gave you antibiotics and let you rest. You've been out for three days."

"I guess that explains the stiff muscles." I say, rubbing my shoulder.

He chuckles at me. It's really dark in the room so I go to move the sheet out of the way.

"Let me." He says.

Rick stands up and moves the sheet away, he turns back and I gasp. A large bruise is covering the left side of his face, his cheek puffy.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I cry.

He goes to sit down next to me, his hand clutching his stomach. He stifles a groan as he sits down and looks at me.

"Just a misunderstanding." He says simply.

"With who?" I say, going to touch his cheek.

He moves quickly away from my hand and hisses, clutching his stomach.

"Show me." I say.

He sighs and lifts up his shirt. There is bruising on his stomach, a purplish-blue colour. He pulls his shirt back into place and looks at me.

"Who did this to you?" I question.

"It doesn't matter." He mumbles.

"Of course it matters. When I find them, I'm gonna kick their ass!"

He chuckles before turning to me, "It was Daryl."

My mouth opens agape and I stop breathing. Confusion floods my face as I try to comprehend his words.

"Excuse me?"

"It was my fault. We got into an argument and I threw the first punch. It didn't last long and I feel really bad about it now. Things are a bit uncomfortable between us at the moment." He says.

"What did you argue about?" I ask.

He just looks into my eyes.


"I said that he shouldn't have taken you on the run and that he should have protected you better than he did. He retorted by saying it was none of my business and that I don't do anything to help this group. I was so mad that I hit him. He reacted and hit me back. Tyresse and Glenn pulled us apart and we haven't really talked since."

I shake my head at his words, "It wasn't Daryl's fault. I was stupid and pulled the knife out at the wrong angle." I say, rolling my eyes at my stupidity. "I just can't believe you guys got into a fight about something so stupid."

"Your life is not stupid." He says.

"Yes but to argue over a little accident shouldn't break apart a friendship. Just because I made a mistake, doesn't mean you two should fight over it." I say.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now