Chapter 19

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Cat's P.O.V

I look into the eyes of the woman before me. Tears streaming silently down her face. She is gripping my hand and rubbing soothing circles on its back. She has been doing this for an hour, all the while intensely listening to my story.

"It is really scary at first but you're in a much better position to have this baby then I was." I say.

I wipe a tear from my eye and sniffle. It always hurt when I told or thought about them, my heart constricting and threatening to cut off my air. Maggie's eyes are filled with sadness and sympathy, her breathing is ragged.

"Come here." I say pulling her against my chest, she sobs quietly.

"I'm alright. I'm fine. There is nothing for you to be sad about." I say kissing the top of her head.

"I never realised how tough your life has been. You are so strong and brave, I truly admire you." She whispers.

I let a small sad smile on my face and look at the wall, the tears threatening again. Never had I ever heard anyone say that they admired me. All my life I was alone, until I met James. But then he died and I was alone again. Then it was Daryl, he gave me life when I had none. He was my safe refuge, my person. I knew that I needed him more than anything else in this world. At that moment the library door opened.

"Maggie?" Glenn's voice calls.

She looks up into my eyes and I nod. She sits up and wipes her eyes.

"Over here Glenn." She yelled.

I can hear his footsteps walking over to us as he rounds the corner.

"There you are, I've been... What's wrong?" He asks, running to Maggie's side.

"I'll give you to a minute." I say standing up.

"Wait Cat." Maggie says, I turn to look at her.

"Thank you." She says, her voice filled with gratitude.

"You're welcome. Anything you need I'm here." I say.

She nods and turns to Glenn who is staring between the two of us. I walk off as they begin to speak.

"What's going on?" Glenn's voice asks.

I walk out of the library door towards the cell block. I head up to my cell and lay on the bed, exhausted from the afternoons crying. I roll on my side and look at the wall. I hear the sound of carving from the cell next door.

"Daryl?" I call through the wall.

The noise stops, "Yea'?"

"Hey." I say.


"Watcha' doin'?" I ask.

"Carvin' some more arrows. What 'bout you?"

"Nothing. Just got back from talking to Maggie." I say.

"Yea', Wha' about?"

"I can't really tell you but it's good news, I think."

It's silent between us for a while, no one attempting to speak.

"I want to apologise." I say.

"Wha' for?"

"For running away from you earlier."

"Are yer kiddin'? I wanna apologise."

"What for?"

"Wha' you saw was nothin'. I was helpin' her out and she was lookin' at my jaw. I gotta be honest with yer, I was uncomfortable with her touchin' me." He says.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now