Chapter 48

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Daryl's P.O.V
The flames illuminate the circle of people, allowing everyone to be seen. I smile as I take in the group, grateful for the family that we got back. Carol sits across the circle with Tyresse next to her. She looks up and meets my eyes, I give her a half smile and look away. To my right is Cat, who is leaning against my side with her arm around my waist, speaking to Rosita. Though they only met hours ago, they seem to get along very well.

Cat was cautious of Abraham and the others when they first spoke. But after hearing their story and learning about Eugene's mission for survival, she softened up quickly. For the past hour Rosita and Cat have been bonding over their shared living experience of Chicago. I turn and look around, taking in all the different conversations, smiling at our moment of peace.

I feel someone sit down next to me and I glance over. Rick sits with his forearms resting on his raised knees, staring blankly into the fire.

"Everythin' alrigh'?" I ask.

"Yeah. Michonne and Sasha have taken the next watch." He says.

I nod and turn back to the fire.

"Daryl?" He asks.

I look over and see him staring intently at me.


"I wanna talk to you about the other night, about what you saw."

My thoughts flicker to his lips trying to kiss hers and subdued anger erupts inside me.

"What about it?" I say through clenched teeth.

"As you clearly know, I have developed feelings towards Cat." He whispers, so only I can here.

"And the other night, I made a pass at her." He continues.

I snarl under my breath, but Rick doesn't flinch.

"However Cat rejected me, saying that I wasn't the one she wants. You are. When you fought the other day, she was livid and so angry that you wouldn't believe her. She asked me to talk to you, so here it is. Cat loves you, more than anything else in this world. She would easily give up her life for you without a second thought. Stop doubting her love for you."

He gets up and walks away from the group, grabbing Judith on his way. I sigh and stare into the fire. Though I know Rick's words are right, I can't help but be annoyed at him. He is a good man, saved us more times than I can count. But he loves Cat, and despite my best wishes, she loves him too. I feel a pair of lips press lightly against my cheek.

"Are you alright?" She whispers in my ear.

I turn and look into her emerald eyes, "Yeah. Come for a walk?"

She nods and I stand up, pulling her up with me. I grasp her hand and walk her into the woods opposite of where Rick went. We walk in silence for a bit before I stop and face her.

"What's wrong?" She asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Are you gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what?" She asks, raising her eyebrow.

"What happened at Terminus?"

She stills and fear flashes through her eyes. She looks down at her feet, kicking aimlessly at the ground. Though it's subtle, I can see her body trembling. I walk over to her and pull her into my arms. She reciprocates, wrapping her arms around me waist. We stand there for awhile, just holding each other. She pulls back and looks into my eyes.

"You okay?" I ask.

She nods and steps back from me, "I don't want you to say anything until I'm finished."

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now