Chapter 33

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Cat's P.O.V

My eyes open to see the harsh concrete walls surrounding me. I go to sit up and feel the stiffness in my neck from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. I stretch my muscles, trying to undo the kink in my neck. I turn and see Daryl's sleeping figure in the same position as I was. I smile at his peaceful face, his snores filling the air. His shoulders heave up and down as he takes his deep breathes. The stench of sick fills the air in the room and begins to make me feel nauseous.

"How was the sleep?"

I look over at Hershel and smile. He walks into the room and noticed the sick on the floor.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asks, indicating to the mess.

"I just wanted to see Daryl." I smile at his sleeping figure.

Hershel nods, "Time for a check up."

I glance one last time at Hershel before following him out of the room, knowing Daryl wouldn't be awake for awhile yet. We enter Hershel's cell and I take a seat on his bed. Hershel pulls out his medical equipment and begins to examine me, the stethoscope cold against my warm skin. He finishes his check up and put his things away.

"Well?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles, "All better."

"Really?" I gasp.


I squeal and pull Hershel in for a hug and squeeze him tightly. He returns the hug and I let go. I run over to the doorway to cell block and unlock the door. I shut it behind me and sneak into the room where Daryl is sleeping. His snores are louder due to the disappearance of the glass. I quietly approach him and run my fingertips over his arms. Goosebumps form over his tanned skin and he stirs.

"Wake up." I whisper.

He groans and turns his head away from me. I chuckle and repeat the process. He turns his head back and slowly opens his eyes. He takes me in for a second before sitting bolt upright.

"Wha' you doin' out?" He asks.

"Hershel says I'm all better." I smile.

"All better?"

I nod.

"Really?" He asks.

"Just shut up and kiss me already."

He smirks and pulls me onto his lap and smashes his lips against mine. All the passion from the separation is poured into the kiss. Daryl's hands grip my waist and pull me flush against him, a tingling sensation spreading throughout my body. I giggle and grip his shoulders, then run my fingers through his hair. I grip onto it and pull his face closer to mine, my tongue going deeper into his mouth.

He moans and stands up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He pushes me against the glass and runs his hands over my torso, leaving goosebumps all over my skin. I tug at his hair, earning multiple growls from him. My hands moved down his chest and pulled his shirt off, tossing it across the room. I ran my fingernails over his chest and he moans at the sensation.

He begins to pull of my clothes, tossing them over the room. We slide down to the floor, his body over mine. I remove his pants and boxers, he removes my pants and underwear. Soon there is nothing but the feel of our skin against each other. In one quick motion he pushes himself inside me, filling me up to my core. I gasp at the sensation of him inside me.

I wrap my legs around his waist, pushing him further in if that was possible. He begins to thrust slowly inside of me, pleasure rolling through my body. My moans are muffled by his mouth, the sensation becoming overwhelming. I turn my head and cry out, his lips moving to my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. My nails are digging into his back and I throw my head back as the pressure builds deep inside me. His thrusts increase in pace and the sensation becomes unbearable. I cry out at my release, Daryl following soon after me. He rolls to the side and pulls me against him.

My fingers play with his hair as I kiss his softly, pouring my love for him into the kiss. He returns it and holds me tight against him. I sigh in content and pull away, laying my head on his chest.

"I missed this." He mumbles.

"Miss what?"

"Just being able to hold you in my arms. Seein' ya behind the glass broke my heart."

"I wanted nothing more than to hold you too." I whisper.

He pulls me tighter against his chest and places soft kisses over the top of my head. My heart is beating fast and the feeling of love for him was over powering.

"I have never felt this way before about anybody, I just can't comprehend how much I love you." I say.

"Wha' bout James?" He whispers.

A hallow echo goes through my chest as I think of my first love.

"I love him, I always will. But I know that he would be happy for me. But what I feel for you Daryl, I've never felt with anyone else. You make me happier than I've ever been before and I can't live my life without you." I say, looking up into his large Georgian blues.

"You don' have to."

He sits up and pulls me up with him. He places his hands on either side of my head, his thumbs running along my cheeks. His touch sends a tingling sensation through my body, radiating deep within my bones.

"Cat, I don' really know how to do this..."

I look him in the eyes, confused by his words.

"But I wan' ya to be mine, forever."

"I already am." I say puzzled.

"Yer not hear in' me." He shakes his head. He looks into my eyes.

"Marry me."

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